
Terms Beginning with T

Trailing Twelve Months TTM

Fundamental Analysis Term

Trailing Twelve Months (TTM) refers to the last 12 consecutive months of a company's financial performance. TTM is a commonly used metric in fundamental analysis, as it provides a more accurate representation of a company's current financial status than a single quarter or year.

The TTM metric is often used in financial statements that are released on a quarterly or annual basis, such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. The TTM metric allows analysts to see how a company's financial performance has changed over time, as well as calculate key financial ratios.

To calculate TTM, an analyst takes the most recent financial statement data available and adds the previous three quarters or the previous year's data to it. For example, to calculate TTM revenue for a company whose most recent financial statement is from Q3 2021, an analyst would add Q3 2021 revenue to the revenue from Q2 2021, Q1 2021, and Q4 2020.

TTM is commonly used to calculate key financial ratios, such as the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, return on equity (ROE), and earnings per share (EPS). These ratios provide insight into a company's financial health and profitability over the last 12 months.

Overall, TTM is a useful metric in fundamental analysis that provides a more accurate picture of a company's financial performance than a single quarter or year. It allows analysts to see changes in performance over time and calculate important financial ratios that give insight into a company's profitability.

The formula for calculating TTM is:

TTM = Most recent financial statement data + the previous three quarters or previous year's data.


Trailing Twelve Months TTM

Fundamental Analysis Term

Trailing Twelve Months (TTM) refers to the last 12 consecutive months of a company's financial performance. TTM is a commonly used metric in fundamental analysis, as it provides a more accurate representation of a company's current financial status than a single quarter or year.

The TTM metric is often used in financial statements that are released on a quarterly or annual basis, such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. The TTM metric allows analysts to see how a company's financial performance has changed over time, as well as calculate key financial ratios.

To calculate TTM, an analyst takes the most recent financial statement data available and adds the previous three quarters or the previous year's data to it. For example, to calculate TTM revenue for a company whose most recent financial statement is from Q3 2021, an analyst would add Q3 2021 revenue to the revenue from Q2 2021, Q1 2021, and Q4 2020.

TTM is commonly used to calculate key financial ratios, such as the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, return on equity (ROE), and earnings per share (EPS). These ratios provide insight into a company's financial health and profitability over the last 12 months.

Overall, TTM is a useful metric in fundamental analysis that provides a more accurate picture of a company's financial performance than a single quarter or year. It allows analysts to see changes in performance over time and calculate important financial ratios that give insight into a company's profitability.

The formula for calculating TTM is:

TTM = Most recent financial statement data + the previous three quarters or previous year's data.

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