
Terms Beginning with C


Energy Term

Coke is a fuel derived from coal that has been heated in the absence of air, resulting in a solid, porous material with high carbon content. It is also known as metallurgical coke because it is used primarily as a fuel for industrial processes in the steel, iron, and non-ferrous metal industries.

In the energy industry, coke is used as a raw material for the production of carbon electrodes, which are used in steelmaking and aluminum production. These electrodes are made by mixing coke with other carbonaceous materials like petroleum coke and pitch and then baking them at high temperatures to create a solid block of carbon.

Coke is also used as a fuel for power generation in some countries, particularly in Asia. In these applications, coke is burned in power plants to generate steam, which is then used to drive turbines and produce electricity. This process is known as "co-generation" and is considered to be an efficient way of using coke for energy production.

Overall, coke is an important industrial fuel that is used in a variety of applications in the energy industry. Its high carbon content and ability to burn at high temperatures make it a valuable resource for industries that require large amounts of heat and power.

Coal Industry Operating Statistics



Energy Term

Coke is a fuel derived from coal that has been heated in the absence of air, resulting in a solid, porous material with high carbon content. It is also known as metallurgical coke because it is used primarily as a fuel for industrial processes in the steel, iron, and non-ferrous metal industries.

In the energy industry, coke is used as a raw material for the production of carbon electrodes, which are used in steelmaking and aluminum production. These electrodes are made by mixing coke with other carbonaceous materials like petroleum coke and pitch and then baking them at high temperatures to create a solid block of carbon.

Coke is also used as a fuel for power generation in some countries, particularly in Asia. In these applications, coke is burned in power plants to generate steam, which is then used to drive turbines and produce electricity. This process is known as "co-generation" and is considered to be an efficient way of using coke for energy production.

Overall, coke is an important industrial fuel that is used in a variety of applications in the energy industry. Its high carbon content and ability to burn at high temperatures make it a valuable resource for industries that require large amounts of heat and power.

Coal Industry Operating Statistics

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 Bbl   Coal   Downstream  
 Bcf   Coke   Dry hole  
 Bcfe   Compliance Coal   Dth  
 Blendstocks   Condensate   Dthe  
 BOE   Crack Spread    Emissions  
 Bpd   Crude Oil Desalting   Equity production  
 Btu   Cubic Foot CF   Ethanol  
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