Costamare Inc   (CMRE)
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Costamare Inc's Suppliers Performance

CMRE's Supply Chain

CMRE Costs vs Sales of Suppliers Growth Revenues of Costamare Inc's Suppliers, deteriorated by -28.23 % compared to the same quarter a year ago, from the previous quarter, sales fell by -10.27 %, while their net profit margin fell to 13.4 % year on year, compared to the previous quarter Costamare Inc's Suppliers had a lower net margin at -10.27 %,

More on CMRE Suppliers

Costamare Inc's Suppliers realized a deteriorated in sales by -28.23 % compared to the same quarter a year ago, from the previous quarter, sales fell by -10.27 %, while their net profit margin fell to 13.4 % year on year, compare to previous quarter CMRE's Suppliers had lower net margin at 13.4 %,

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Costamare Inc's Comment on Supply Chain

CMRE's Suppliers Net profit fell by CMRE's Suppliers Net margin fell in Q4 to
-59.39 % 13.4 %
CMRE's Suppliers Net profit fell by -59.39 %

CMRE's Suppliers Net margin fell in Q4 to 13.4 %

Costamare Inc's Suppliers Sales Growth in Q4 2023 by Industry

Suppliers from Construction & Mining Machinery Industry -4.1 %   
Suppliers from Regional Banks Industry  
Suppliers from Commercial Banks Industry -11.61 %   
Suppliers from Professional Services Industry      8.67 %
Suppliers from Railroads Industry      14.44 %

CMRE's vs. Suppliers, Data

(Revenue and Income for Trailing 12 Months, in Millions of $, except Employees)

Costamare Inc 1,682.99 1,511.41 381.02 6
The Manitowoc Company Inc 377.92 2,176.90 -8.80 12,300
A negative correlation coefficient of -0.387 implies that the revenue of The Manitowoc Company Inc does not correlate significantly with that of Costamare Inc .
Freightcar America Inc 318.87 548.33 -113.30 2,023
A negative correlation coefficient of -0.418 implies that the revenue of Freightcar America Inc does not correlate significantly with that of Costamare Inc .
The Greenbrier Companies Inc 2,128.75 3,523.10 175.40 10,689
The revenue of The Greenbrier Companies Inc does not correlate significantly with that of Costamare Inc . The correlation coefficient is 0.101
Trinity Industries Inc 3,219.35 3,247.70 187.40 22,070
The factor of 0.365 indicates a mild correlation between Trinity Industries Inc's revenue and those of Costamare Inc .
Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc 26,792.17 6,498.60 1,551.80 14,600
A negative correlation coefficient of -0.420 implies that the revenue of Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc does not correlate significantly with that of Costamare Inc .
Kansas City Southern 0.00 3,115.50 1,133.70 6,522
The factor of 0.235 indicates a mild correlation between Kansas City Southern's revenue and those of Costamare Inc .
Medixall Group Inc 0.00 0.24 -5.97 1
A negative correlation coefficient of -0.106 implies that the revenue of Medixall Group Inc does not correlate significantly with that of Costamare Inc .
Bank Of America Corporation 362,390.31 98,499.00 23,611.00 217,000
The revenue of Bank Of America Corporation does not correlate significantly with that of Costamare Inc . The correlation coefficient is 0.145
Nbt Bancorp Inc 2,395.85 506.52 121.22 2,034
The factor of 0.200 indicates a mild correlation between Nbt Bancorp Inc's revenue and those of Costamare Inc .
Park National Corporation 3,169.12 484.27 137.29 1,799
The factor of 0.376 indicates a mild correlation between Park National Corporation's revenue and those of Costamare Inc .
Allegiance Bancshares Inc. 855.34 236.52 75.71 305
The factor of 0.331 indicates a mild correlation between Allegiance Bancshares Inc.'s revenue and those of Costamare Inc .
American National Bankshares Inc 487.03 102.42 26.16 334
Arrow Financial Corporation 564.71 136.14 74.48 537
The factor of 0.288 indicates a mild correlation between Arrow Financial Corporation's revenue and those of Costamare Inc .
Commerce Bancshares Inc 9,319.99 1,601.74 508.62 4,592
The factor of 0.343 indicates a mild correlation between Commerce Bancshares Inc 's revenue and those of Costamare Inc .
Cullen 9,115.43 1,964.47 530.24 5,495
The revenue of Cullen does not correlate significantly with that of Costamare Inc . The correlation coefficient is 0.055
Embassy Bancorp Inc 124.60 39.16 10.85 110
A negative correlation coefficient of -0.297 implies that the revenue of Embassy Bancorp Inc does not correlate significantly with that of Costamare Inc .
Equity Bancshares Inc 735.11 212.76 57.98 197
The factor of 0.232 indicates a mild correlation between Equity Bancshares Inc 's revenue and those of Costamare Inc .
First Business Financial Services Inc 424.21 136.24 43.43 349
First Business Financial Services Inc 's revenue correlates notably with that of Costamare Inc . The correlation coefficient is 0.523
Fidelity D and D Bancorp Inc 322.73 70.38 15.80 252
The revenue of Fidelity D and D Bancorp Inc does not correlate significantly with that of Costamare Inc . The correlation coefficient is 0.008
F and m Bank Corp 75.27 42.38 5.71 151
A negative correlation coefficient of -0.140 implies that the revenue of F and m Bank Corp does not correlate significantly with that of Costamare Inc .
Fncb Bancorp Inc 133.62 53.75 13.85 352
Franklin Financial Services Corporation 149.72 69.34 13.72 306
The revenue of Franklin Financial Services Corporation does not correlate significantly with that of Costamare Inc . The correlation coefficient is 0.144
First National Corp 147.58 49.24 7.92 224
The revenue of First National Corp does not correlate significantly with that of Costamare Inc . The correlation coefficient is 0.112
Hills Bancorporation 616.07 134.17 43.83 474
The revenue of Hills Bancorporation does not correlate significantly with that of Costamare Inc . The correlation coefficient is 0.007
Isabella Bank Corp 174.43 69.40 15.66 356
A negative correlation coefficient of -0.057 implies that the revenue of Isabella Bank Corp does not correlate significantly with that of Costamare Inc .
Juniata Valley Financial Corp 64.48 27.77 6.41 122
A negative correlation coefficient of -0.185 implies that the revenue of Juniata Valley Financial Corp does not correlate significantly with that of Costamare Inc .
National Bank Holdings Corp 1,893.19 401.59 123.75 1,226
The factor of 0.378 indicates a mild correlation between National Bank Holdings Corp's revenue and those of Costamare Inc .
New Peoples Bankshares Inc 65.16 30.40 7.08 3,508
Prosperity Bancshares Inc 7,882.94 1,149.18 444.79 3,850
The factor of 0.412 indicates a mild correlation between Prosperity Bancshares Inc 's revenue and those of Costamare Inc .
Prime Meridian Holding Co 92.71 30.26 8.14 56
Prime Meridian Holding Co's revenue correlates notably with that of Costamare Inc . The correlation coefficient is 0.564
Smartfinancial Inc 612.68 148.50 25.62 225
A negative correlation coefficient of -0.043 implies that the revenue of Smartfinancial Inc does not correlate significantly with that of Costamare Inc .
Vecta Inc 409.30 1.92 0.09 19
The factor of 0.397 indicates a mild correlation between Vecta Inc 's revenue and those of Costamare Inc .
Uwharrie Capital Corp 60.87 43.72 9.90 171
The factor of 0.373 indicates a mild correlation between Uwharrie Capital Corp's revenue and those of Costamare Inc .
Washington Trust Bancorp Inc 679.94 188.97 45.68 665
A negative correlation coefficient of -0.040 implies that the revenue of Washington Trust Bancorp Inc does not correlate significantly with that of Costamare Inc .
Wilson Bank Holding Co 0.00 175.53 52.92 446
The revenue of Wilson Bank Holding Co does not correlate significantly with that of Costamare Inc . The correlation coefficient is 0.160
Wsfs Financial Corporation 3,472.15 968.33 273.60 1,200
The factor of 0.314 indicates a mild correlation between Wsfs Financial Corporation's revenue and those of Costamare Inc .
West Bancorporation Inc 408.48 76.70 21.48 202
A negative correlation coefficient of -0.063 implies that the revenue of West Bancorporation Inc does not correlate significantly with that of Costamare Inc .
Orix Corporation 129,487.39 19,251.92 2,316.14 33,333
Among Costamare Inc suppliers, the revenue of Orix Corporation has shown a strong correlation over the past 2 years. The correlation coefficient is 0.988
Nomura Holdings Inc 18,509.67 28,438.39 1,212.29 28,865
Among Costamare Inc suppliers, the revenue of Nomura Holdings Inc has shown a strong correlation over the past 2 years. The correlation coefficient is 0.995
Mizuho Financial Group Inc 11,442.38 26,688.72 8,194.98 56,375
Among Costamare Inc suppliers, the revenue of Mizuho Financial Group Inc has shown a strong correlation over the past 2 years. The correlation coefficient is 0.984
Icahn Enterprises l p 5,661.00 9,644.00 -1,283.00 15,000
The revenue of Icahn Enterprises l p does not correlate significantly with that of Costamare Inc . The correlation coefficient is 0.114
SUBTOTAL 608,928.65 210,146.77 40,079.81 450,322


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