Harley davidson Inc   (HOG)
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Harley Davidson Inc Income Statement Quarterly


Select the Financial Report:   Period:   Fiscal Year:

(Quarterly GAAP In millions $)

(Jun 30 2024)
II. Quarter
(Mar 31 2024)
I. Quarter
(Dec 31 2023)
IV. Quarter
(Sep 30 2023)
III. Quarter
(Jun 30 2023)
II. Quarter
Revenue From Contract With Customer Excluding Assessed Tax 1,355.35 1,480.81 1,305.13 1,205.16
Revenue Not From Contract With Customer 263.54 248.80 243.93 240.36
Total Revenue 1,618.89 1,729.61 1,053.21 1,549.06 1,445.52
Cost of Revenues 149.77 88.74 31.43 84.12 143.28
Provision for Loan, Lease, and Other Losses - 61.01 -113.22 60.85 -
Gross Profit 1,469.12 1,579.86 1,135.00 1,404.08 1,302.24
Selling, Administration, Marketing 304.01 293.10 297.96 301.45 290.27
Depriciation & Amortization - - - - -
Research & development - - - - -
Restructuring Charges - - - - -
Other operatinig exp. /-income 924.01 1,023.68 631.03 893.34 790.63
Financial services income - - - - -
Financing Receivable Excluding Accrued Interest Credit Loss Expense Reversal - - 227.16 - -
Total operating costs including COS 1,377.79 1,466.53 1,074.36 1,339.77 1,224.19
Operating income/-loss 241.10 263.08 -21.15 209.29 221.34
Other Deductions / - Income
Interest expense - 7.68 7.68 7.69 7.70
Interest income - - - - -
Net interest expense/-income - 7.68 7.68 7.69 7.70
Investment Income, Net - - - - -
Sale of Business - - - - -
Sale of Assets - - - - -
Financing Loss/ -Income - - - - -
Other loss/ -income -23.01 -34.97 -33.40 -36.68 -18.38
Total costs & expenses 1,354.78 1,439.24 1,048.64 1,310.78 1,213.50
Income /-loss before income taxes 264.11 290.37 4.57 238.28 232.02
Income taxes expenses/-benefit 48.71 58.14 -18.72 42.18 58.19
Income after income taxes 215.41 232.23 23.28 196.10 173.83
Net income/-loss of other equity - - - - -
Income/-loss from cont. Ops. 215.41 232.23 23.28 196.10 173.83
Accounting change - - - - -
Discontinued operations - - - - -
Extraordinary items - - - - -
Net Income/-loss 215.41 232.23 23.28 196.10 173.83
Noncontrolling interests 2.86 2.71 -9.02 2.55 4.21
Prefered dividends - - - - -
Other - - - - -
Income/-loss to shareholder 218.27 234.94 25.81 198.65 178.04
EBIT 264.11 298.05 12.25 245.97 239.72
EBITD 264.11 298.05 12.25 245.97 239.72
EBITDA 264.11 298.05 12.25 245.97 239.72

Per Share (GAAP Quarterly, in $) (Jun 30 2024)
II. Quarter
(Mar 31 2024)
I. Quarter
(Dec 31 2023)
IV. Quarter
(Sep 30 2023)
III. Quarter
(Jun 30 2023)
II. Quarter
Basic EPS (excl. extra items) 1.64 1.73 0.19 1.40 1.24
   Extraordinary items 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Basic Net EPS 1.64 1.73 0.19 1.40 1.24
Basic shares outstanding (Mill. of Units) 133.09 135.80 138.16 141.89 143.58
   EPS other shares - - - - -
Diluted Net EPS 1.63 1.72 0.19 1.38 1.22
Diluted average shares (Mill. of Units) 133.91 136.59 145.09 143.95 145.93
Dividend per share 0.1725 0.1725 0.165 0.165 0.165


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