Walmart Inc   (NYSE: WMT)
Other Ticker:  
    Sector  Retail    Industry Wholesale
   Industry Wholesale
   Sector  Retail

Walmart Inc Cash flow Statement Quarterly


Select the Financial Report:   Period:

Cash flow Statement
(Quarterly, GAAP in millions $)

(Oct 31 2024)
9 Months
(Jul 31 2024)
6 Months
(Apr 30 2024)
3 Months
(Jan 31 2024)
12 Months
(Oct 31 2023)
9 Months
Income 14,732.00 10,018.00 5,307.00 16,270.00 10,592.00
Depreciation & amortization 9,599.00 6,339.00 3,128.00 11,853.00 8,736.00
Amortization of Other Assets - - - - -
Special charges - - - - -
Accountig change - - - - -
Other non-cash Items - - - - -
Increase (Decrease) in Retail Related Inventories -9,200.00 -1,234.00 -529.00 2,017.00 -7,321.00
Sale of Assets - - - - -
Gain (Loss) on Disposition of Business - - - - -
Restructuring - - - - -
Earnings from affiliates - - - - -
Gains (Losses) on Extinguishment of Debt - - - - -
Income Loss From Continuing Operations Including Portion Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest - - - - -
Income taxes 489.00 257.00 963.00 -468.00 -144.00
Gain (Loss) on Investments 654.00 519.00 -639.00 3,193.00 4,028.00
Increase (Decrease) in Accounts and Other Receivables -1,395.00 80.00 -154.00 -797.00 -671.00
Increase (Decrease) in Accounts Payable 7,406.00 1,166.00 213.00 2,515.00 7,346.00
Increase (Decrease) in Accrued Liabilities -807.00 -1,410.00 -4,649.00 -1,324.00 -4,295.00
Deferred income - - - - -
Increase (Decrease) in Deferred Income Taxes -245.00 -244.00 102.00 -175.00 -669.00
Other Working Capital - - - - -
Other Noncash Income (Expense) 1,685.00 866.00 507.00 2,642.00 1,412.00
Other net - - - - -
Payments for (Proceeds from) Other Operating Activities - - - - -
Discontinued operations - - - - -
Net Cash flow from Operating Activities 22,918.00 16,357.00 4,249.00 35,726.00 19,014.00
Capital Expenditures -16,696.00 -10,507.00 -4,676.00 -20,606.00 -14,674.00
Sale of Capital Items 358.00 292.00 72.00 250.00 163.00
Short-term investments liq. - - - - -
Payments to Acquire Available-for-sale Securities - - - - -
Proceeds from other investments - - - - -
Proceeds From Sale Of Equity Securities Fv Ni 3,813.00 - - - -
Purchases of other investments - - - - -
Noncontrolling interest - - - - -
Proceeds from Investments - - - - -
Purchases of Investments - - - - -
Purchases of non-current assets - - - - -
Payments to Acquire Businesses, Net of Cash Acquired - - - -9.00 -9.00
Investment in affiliate - - - - -
Proceeds from Divestiture of Businesses 3.00 3.00 - 135.00 135.00
Proceeds from sale of assets - - - - -
Notes receivable - - - - -
Payments for (Proceeds from) Other Investing Activities -139.00 84.00 195.00 -1,057.00 -989.00
Other Net - - - - -
Discontinued operations - - - - -
Net Cash flow from Investing Activities -12,661.00 -10,128.00 -4,409.00 -21,287.00 -15,374.00
Short-term debt Net 2,680.00 2,315.00 4,585.00 512.00 9,583.00
Other borrowing transactions - - - - -
Long-term debt - borrowings - - - 4,967.00 4,967.00
Long-term debt - repayments -2,817.00 -2,817.00 -1,574.00 -4,217.00 -4,213.00
Noncontrolling interest - - - - -
Issuances/ -repurchases of Comm. Stock -3,014.00 -2,043.00 -1,044.00 -2,063.00 -575.00
Exercise of stock options - - - - -
Issuances/ -repurchases of Pref. Stock - - - - -3,462.00
Discontinued Operations - - - - -
Other financing activities net - - - - -
Other net -1,501.00 -1,052.00 -617.00 -2,248.00 -1,655.00
Dividends Paidto Noncontrolling Interest - -96.00 -252.00 -171.00 -66.00
Purchase of Noncontrolling Interest - - - - -
Dividends Paidto and Stock Purchases of Noncontrolling Interest - - - - -
Payments of Ordinary Dividends, Noncontrolling Interest -17.00 -12.00 - -763.00 -218.00
Dividends paid -5,004.00 -3,336.00 -1,671.00 -6,140.00 -4,606.00
Net Cash flow from Financing Activities -9,673.00 -6,945.00 -321.00 -13,414.00 -179.00
Effect of exchange rate on cash flow -351.00 -340.00 6.00 - -7.00
Discontinued operations - - - - -
Free Cash Flow 6,580.00 6,142.00 -355.00 15,370.00 4,503.00
Total Cash Flow 233.00 -1,056.00 -475.00 1,094.00 3,454.00

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