Levi Strauss and Co   (NYSE: LEVI)
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Levi Strauss And Co Cash flow Statement Quarterly


Select the Financial Report:   Period:

Cash flow Statement
(Quarterly, GAAP in millions $)

(Dec 01 2024)
12 Months
(Aug 25 2024)
9 Months
(May 26 2024)
6 Months
(Feb 25 2024)
3 Months
(Nov 26 2023)
12 Months
Income 210.60 28.00 7.30 -10.60 249.60
Depreciation & amortization 193.20 138.80 88.70 44.60 165.30
Amortization of Other Assets - - - - -
Extraordinary Item, Gain (Loss), Insurance Assets, Accretion Expense - - - - -
Goodwill, Impairment Loss - - - 5.50 -
Provision for Doubtful Accounts - - - - -
Increase (Decrease) in Inventories - - - - -
R & D, Environmental and Other Expense - - - - -
Gain (Loss) on Disposition of Assets - - - - -
Share-based Compensation 62.80 48.20 35.50 18.70 74.40
Income (Loss) from Equity Method Investments - - - - -
Gains (Losses) on Extinguishment of Debt - - - - -
Realized Loss On Settlement Of Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts Not Designated For Hedge Accounting - - - - -
Noncash Restructuring Charges - - - - -
Gain Loss On Extinguishment Of Debt Including Adjustments - - - - -
Goodwill And Intangible Asset Impairment 116.90 - - - -
Asset Impairment Charges Net Of Goodwill 12.10 0.20 - - -
Income taxes -91.10 -56.00 -34.60 -29.30 -101.90
Losses/ -gains on Investments net - - - - -
Accounts Receivable - - - - -
Increase (Decrease) in Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities - - - - -
Accrued Expense - - - - -
Deferred Revenue and Customer Advances and Deposits - - - - -
Prepaid Expense and Other Assets - - - - -
Other Working Capital 350.50 313.10 451.70 257.10 -108.50
Other Noncash Items - - - - -
Other net - - - - -
Payments for (Proceeds from) Other Operating Activities 33.20 - - - -
Discontinued operations - - - - -
Net Cash flow from Operating Activities 898.40 601.10 548.80 286.00 435.50
Capital Expenditures -227.50 -161.80 -111.80 -71.60 -315.50
Sale of Capital Items - - - - -
Proceeds from Sale, Maturity and Collection of Short-term Investments - - - - 70.80
Short-term Investments Acq. - - - - -
Payments for (Proceeds from) Derivative Instrument, Investing Activities -17.40 5.30 5.90 0.80 16.10
Restricted Cash and Investments Increase (Decrease) - - - - -
Payments for (Proceeds from) Loans - - - - -
Payments for (Proceeds from) Deposits - - - - -
Payments for (Proceeds from) Other Investments - - - - -
Payments for (Proceeds from) Federal Reserve and Federal Home Loan Bank - - - - -
Payments to Acquire Businesses, Net of Cash Acquired -34.40 -34.40 -34.40 - -12.10
Interest in Subsidiaries and Affiliates - - - - -
Sale of businesses - - - - -
Accounts payable - - - - -
Receivables - - - - -
Payments for (Proceeds from) Other Investing Activities -1.80 -1.30 -1.10 -0.90 -
Other Net - 0.00 - - -
Discontinued operations - - - - -
Net Cash flow from Investing Activities -281.10 -192.20 -141.40 -71.70 -240.70
Short-term debt Net - - - - -
Other borrowing transactions - - - - -
Long-term debt - borrowings - - - - 200.00
Long-term debt - repayments - - - - -200.00
Federal Home Loan Bank and Federal Funds - - - - -
Issuances/ -repurchases of Comm. Stock -90.10 -59.70 -41.90 -25.00 -8.10
Partnership and Parent Transactions - - - - -
Issuances/ -repurchases of Pref. Stock - - - - -
Deposits, Annuities, Contract Holders Funds - - - - -
Other financing activities net - - - - -
Other net -494.90 -482.50 -463.30 -446.70 -504.80
Repayment Of Long Term Debt And Capital Lease Obligations Excluding Long Term Lines Of Credit - - - - -
Cash Cash Equivalents Restricted Cash And Restricted Cash Equivalents 398.80 398.80 398.80 - 430.00
Restricted Cash - - - -0.30 -0.40
Investment Banking Advisory Brokerage And Underwriting Fees And Commissions - - - - -
Proceeds from Repaymentsof of Other Shortterm Debt - - - - -
Proceeds From Short Term Credit Facilities - - - - -
Payments For Underwriter Commission and Other Offering Costs - - - - -
Proceeds From Long Term Debt Issuance - - - - -
Capital Expenditures Incurred But Not Yet Paid 61.40 39.10 26.30 - 39.30
Payments of Dividends, Preferred Stock and Preference Stock - - - - -
Dividends paid -198.50 -147.10 -95.60 -47.90 -190.50
Net Cash flow from Financing Activities -319.30 -229.10 -162.90 -94.50 -214.10
Effect of exchange rate on cash flow -6.80 -1.50 -1.90 -1.90 -11.60
Discontinued operations - - - - -
Free Cash Flow 670.90 439.30 437.00 214.40 120.00
Total Cash Flow 291.20 178.30 242.60 117.90 -30.90

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