Western Alliance Bancorporation (WAL) |
 WAL $84.4100
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What happened with Western Alliance Bancorporation's Stock |
Report on Western Alliance Bancorporation Shares Performance in June 2024
During the month of June 2024, shares of Western Alliance Bancorporation experienced a slight increase of 2.55% in value. The shares began the month at $63.47 and ended at $62.82. This indicates a decline in the price of the shares during the month.
However, despite this decrease, Western Alliance Bancorporation shares have performed better over the past quarter compared to the CSIMarkets index tracking Western Alliance Bancorporation's suppliers. This suggests that the company's overall performance has been relatively strong.
In contrast, throughout the month of June, Western Alliance Bancorporation shares have been trailing the performance of the entire market. This indicates that the company may not have been able to keep up with the overall market trends and has underperformed in comparison to its peers.
The peak of Western Alliance Bancorporation shares during June was reached on June 3rd when they hit a high of $63.50. On June 11th, the shares reached their lowest point for the month at $56.70.
It is worth noting that, during the same period, shares in the Regional Banks industry saw an average increase of 12.45%, while shares in the Financial sector had an average increase of 8.74%. This indicates that Western Alliance Bancorporation shares have underperformed in comparison to these industry averages.
Based on the performance of Western Alliance Bancorporation shares in June 2024, it can be concluded that the company has experienced a slight decrease in share value and has underperformed in the market compared to its peers in the industry.
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