Live Ventures Incorporated LIVE Percentage Volume Oscillator (PVO) Chart
The Percentage Volume Oscillator (PVO) is the percentage difference between
two moving averages of volume. (Period) & (Period 2)
The PVO can be used to identify periods of expanding or contracting volume
in three different ways
Centerline Crossovers: like the PPO, the PVO oscillates above and below the
zero line. When PVO is positive, the shorter EMA of volume is greater than the
longer EMA of volume. When PVO is negative, the shorter EMA of volume is less
than the longer EMA of volume. A PVO above zero indicates that volume levels
are generally above average and relatively heavy. When the PVO is below zero,
volume levels are generally below average and light.
Directional Movement: General directional movement of the PVO can offer a quick
visual assessment of volume patterns. A rising PVO signals that volume levels
are increasing and a falling PVO signals that volume levels are decreasing.
Moving average crossovers: When PVO moves above its signal line (Period 3),
volume levels are generally increasing. When PVO moves below its signal line,
volume levels are generally decreasing.