
Bok Financial Corp  (BOKF)
Other Ticker:  
    Sector  Financial    Industry Commercial Banks
   Industry Commercial Banks
   Sector  Financial


BOKF's Dividend Pay out ratio over the 12 Months Period

Cumulative by Quarter, Trailing twelve months

Bok Financial's 12 Months dividend pay out ratio, the ratio that measures the proportion of earnings, that Bok Financial' distributes to its shareholders in the form of dividends, sequentially decreased to 30.2% in the third quarter 2024, this result is above Bok Financial's average of of 32.98%.

Within Financial sector 218 other companies have achieved higher 12 Months dividend pay out ratio. While in terms of ranking among all other companies, the company has moved form 340 in the second quarter 2024, to 403.

Dividend in Glossary

Cumulative Dividend Pay out Ratio III. Quarter
(Sep 30 2024)
II. Quarter
(Jun 30 2024)
I. Quarter
(Mar 31 2024)
IV. Quarter
(Dec 31 2023)
III. Quarter
(Sep 30 2023)
BOKF's Pay out Ratio (TTM) 30.2 % 30.65 % 31.71 % 27.07 % 23.3 %
BOKF's Dividend Pay out Ratio Total Ranking # 403 # 340 # 660 # 339 # 578

BOKF's Dividend Pay out Ratio Company Ranking
Within: No.
Commercial Banks Industry # 31
Financial Sector # 219
S&P 500 # 403

Dividend Pay out Ratio Statistics
High Average Low
48.84 % 32.98 % 22.01 %
(Dec 31 2016)   (Sep 30 2021)

Other Dividend Ratios
Highest Ranking Dividend Yield
Lowest Ranking Dividend Yield
Annual Dividend Pay out for BOKF
BOKF's Dividend Yield


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