
Pacira Biosciences inc   (PCRX)
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What are Pacira Biosciences Inc's Business Segments?

Pacira Biosciences Inc. is a pharmaceutical company that specializes in developing and commercializing innovative products for pain management and postsurgical care. The company's segments, products, and services include:

1. EXPAREL: This segment includes the company's flagship product, EXPAREL, which is a non-opioid, long-acting local anesthetic that provides post-surgical pain relief. EXPAREL is used to manage pain after surgery, reducing the need for opioid-based medication, and enhancing patient recovery time.

2. IV and Regional Anesthetics: This segment includes other products developed by Pacira Biosciences that provide local anesthesia for a variety of surgical procedures. These products include DEXPATM and DepofoamTM, both of which are long-acting anesthetics.

1. EXPAREL: This is Pacira Biosciences' primary product that offers a non-opioid, long-acting anesthetic for post-surgical pain management. The product is used in a variety of settings, including hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, and clinics.

2. DepofoamTM: This product is a combination of a long-acting anesthetic and Depofoam technology, which allows for a sustained release of medication over time. This product is used in a variety of surgical procedures, such as joint replacement surgeries.

3. DEXPATM: This product is a long-acting anesthetic that offers pain relief for up to 72 hours after surgery. This product is used in a variety of surgical procedures, including spine surgery and total knee replacement surgery.

1. Pain Management Education: Pacira Biosciences offers education and support services to healthcare providers to improve their understanding of pain management and offer better patient care.

2. Clinical Support: The company offers clinical support for patients who are undergoing surgery, providing them with resources and education to improve their recovery and pain management.

Overall, Pacira Biosciences Inc. is a pharmaceutical company that specializes in innovative products and services for pain management and post-surgical care. The company's focus on non-opioid, long-acting anesthetics offers a safe and effective alternative to traditional pain management methods.

Pacira Biosciences Inc Tax Rate Companies within the Major Pharmaceutical Preparations Industry

Business Segments Q3
(in millions $)
(in millions $)
(Sep 30 2023)
(Profit Margin)
Total 163.93 10.86 6.62 %

Growth rates by Segment Q3
Y/Y Revenue
(Sep 30 2023)
Q/Q Revenue
Y/Y Income
(Sep 30 2023)
Q/Q Income
Total -2.11 % -3.27 % - -57.85 %

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