Arts Way Manufacturing Co Inc  (ARTW)
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Arts Way Manufacturing Co Inc's Customers Performance


ARTW's Source of Revenues During the corresponding time, Arts Way Manufacturing Co Inc revenue deteriorated by -25.28 % year on year, sequentially revenue grew by 17.59 %. While revenue at the Arts Way Manufacturing Co Inc's corporate clients

List of ARTW Customers

for the same period Arts Way Manufacturing Co Inc revnue deteriorated by -25.28 % year on year, sequentially revenue grew by 17.59 %.

List of ARTW Customers

Arts Way Manufacturing Co Inc's Divisions
Agricultural Products    67.68 % of total Revenue
Modular Buildings    32.32 % of total Revenue
Farm Equipment    59.06 % of total Revenue
Farm Equipment Agricultural Products    59.06 % of total Revenue
Farm Equipment Service Parts    7.43 % of total Revenue
Farm Equipment Service Parts Agricultural Products    7.43 % of total Revenue
Modular Buildings Modular Buildings    31.2 % of total Revenue
Modular Buildings Lease Income    0.83 % of total Revenue
Modular Buildings Lease Income Modular Buildings    0.83 % of total Revenue
Product and Service, Other    1.47 % of total Revenue
Product and Service, Other Agricultural Products    1.19 % of total Revenue
Product and Service, Other Modular Buildings    0.28 % of total Revenue

Arts Way Manufacturing Co Inc's Comment on Sales, Marketing and Customers

We distribute goods for our Agricultural Products segment primarily through a network of approximately 1,800 U.S. and Canadian independent dealers, as well as overseas dealers in the U.K., and Australia, whose customers require specialized agricultural machinery. We have sales representation in 48 states and seven Canadian provinces; however, many dealers sell only service parts for our products. Our dealers sell our products to various agricultural and commercial customers. We also maintain a local sales force in our Armstrong, Iowa facility to provide oversight services for our distribution network, communicate with end users, and recruit and train dealers on the uses of our products. Our local service parts staff is available to help customers and dealers with their service parts needs. Our Pressurized Vessels and Modular Building segments traditionally sell products customized to the end-users’ requirements directly to the end-users. Our Tools segment distributes products through manufacturers’ representatives, direct sales, and OEM sales channels.

We currently export products to four foreign countries. We have been shipping grinder mixers abroad since 2006, and have exported portable rollermills as well. We look forward to strengthening these relationships and developing new international markets as well. Our international sales accounted for 7.3% of consolidated sales.

Arts Way Manufacturing Co Inc's Comment on Sales, Marketing and Customers

We distribute goods for our Agricultural Products segment primarily through a network of approximately 1,800 U.S. and Canadian independent dealers, as well as overseas dealers in the U.K., and Australia, whose customers require specialized agricultural machinery. We have sales representation in 48 states and seven Canadian provinces; however, many dealers sell only service parts for our products. Our dealers sell our products to various agricultural and commercial customers. We also maintain a local sales force in our Armstrong, Iowa facility to provide oversight services for our distribution network, communicate with end users, and recruit and train dealers on the uses of our products. Our local service parts staff is available to help customers and dealers with their service parts needs. Our Pressurized Vessels and Modular Building segments traditionally sell products customized to the end-users’ requirements directly to the end-users. Our Tools segment distributes products through manufacturers’ representatives, direct sales, and OEM sales channels.

We currently export products to four foreign countries. We have been shipping grinder mixers abroad since 2006, and have exported portable rollermills as well. We look forward to strengthening these relationships and developing new international markets as well. Our international sales accounted for 7.3% of consolidated sales.

ARTW's vs. Customers, Data

(Revenue and Income for Trailing 12 Months, in Millions of $, except Employees)

Arts Way Manufacturing Co Inc 0.00 25.83 -0.88 113
SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 -


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