Protagonist Therapeutics inc (NASDAQ: PTGX) |
Protagonist Therapeutics Inc Growth Comparisons
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PTGX's Growth Comparisons in III. Quarter 2024
Protagonist Therapeutics Inc reported top-line of $ 5 millions in the third quarter 2024, compare to $ 0 millions in the same quarter a year ago. Revenues in the Major Pharmaceutical Preparations industry grew by 9.75%, while the top-line in the Healthcare sector increased by 7.3%, and overall market improved by 3.85% from the third quarter 2023. Top-line improved by 12.19% from the second quarter. Looking into annual sales rise of 14.17%, and S & P 500's average yearly sales growth is 7.77% over the five years, including only Businesses with the third quarter 2024 Results. Protagonist Therapeutics Inc grew faster than the market.
PTGX Growth Rates by Company's Segments
Segment Name |
Y / Y |
Seq. |
Total |
- |
12.19 % |
Growth Rates of PTGX's Income in the third quarter 2024
PTGX's EPS Growth Rates
Protagonist Therapeutics Inc reported bottom-line of $ -0.54 in the third quarter, compare to $ -0.58 in the same quarter a year ago. Major Pharmaceutical Preparations industry fell by -34.7%, while Healthcare sector increased by 8.01%, and overall market declined by -6.44%. The bottom-line improved by 12.19% from the second quarter. Looking into annual income per share rise of 14.17%, and S & P 500's average yearly income per share growth is 7.48% over the five years, including only Businesses with the third quarter 2024 earnings reports. Protagonist Therapeutics Inc grew faster than the market.
PTGX Cash Flow Growth Rates
Note |
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