Utg Inc   (UTGN)
Other Ticker:  
    Sector  Financial    Industry Life Insurance
   Industry Life Insurance
   Sector  Financial
Price: $29.2801 $-0.49 -1.662%
Day's High: $30 Week Perf: -2.4 %
Day's Low: $ 29.28 30 Day Perf: 14.64 %
Volume (M): 0 52 Wk High: $ 32.00
Volume (M$): $ 6 52 Wk Avg: $28.23
Open: $30.00 52 Wk Low: $24.81

 Market Capitalization (Millions $) 93
 Shares Outstanding (Millions) 3
 Employees 40
 Revenues (TTM) (Millions $) 52
 Net Income (TTM) (Millions $) 25
 Cash Flow (TTM) (Millions $) 12
 Capital Exp. (TTM) (Millions $) 0

Utg Inc

UTG, Inc. is an insurance holding company incorporated in the state of Delaware in 2005. Its primary direct subsidiary is Universal Guaranty Life Insurance Company ("UG"). The Registrant and its primary subsidiary have only one significant segment, insurance. The Companys dominant business is individual life insurance, which includes the servicing of existing insurance business in-force, the acquisition of other companies in the insurance business, and the administration processing of life insurance business for other entities.

The holding company has no significant business operations of its own and relies on fees, dividends and other distributions from its operating subsidiary as the principal source of cash flows to meet its obligations.

UG has several wholly-owned and majority-owned subsidiaries. The subsidiaries were formed to hold certain real estate and other investments. The investments were placed into the limited liability companies and partnerships to provide additional protection to the policyholders and to UG.

Increased global IT security threats and more sophisticated and targeted computer crime pose a risk to the security of systems and networks and the confidentiality, availability and integrity of data. Although the Company makes efforts to maintain the security and integrity of the networks and systems, there can be no assurance that the security efforts will be effective or that attempted security breaches or disruptions would not be successful or damaging. In the event a security breach or failure results in the disclosure of sensitive third party data or the transmission of harmful/malicious code to third parties, the Company could be subject to liability claims. The Company does not currently carry insurance coverage against such liabilities. Depending on their nature and scope, such threats also could potentially lead to improper use of our systems and networks, manipulation and destruction of data, loss of trade secrets, system downtimes and operational disruptions, which in turn, could adversely affect our reputation, competitiveness and results of operations.

UGs product portfolio consists of a limited number of life insurance product offerings. All of the products are individual life insurance products, with design variations from each other to provide choices to the customer. These variations generally center around the length of the premium paying period, length of the coverage period and whether the product accumulates cash value or not.

While the Company does not actively sell any new policies today, it has the following products available for issue:

Ten Pay Whole Life – This traditional insurance product has a level face amount and level premium is payable for the first ten policy years. This product is available for issue ages 0-65, and has a minimum face amount of $10,000. This policy can be used in conversion situations, where it is available up to age 75 at a minimum face amount of $5,000.

Tradition – The Tradition policy is a fixed premium whole life insurance policy. Premiums are level and payable for life. Issue ages are 0-75. The minimum face amount is the greater of $10,000 or the amount of coverage provided by a $100 annual premium.

Kid Kare – The Kid Kare product is a single premium level term policy to age 21. The product is sold in units, with one unit equal to a face amount of $5,000 for a single premium of $250. The policy is issued from ages 0-15 and has conversion privileges at age 21.

As is customary in the insurance industry, the insurance subsidiary cedes insurance to, and assumes insurance from, other insurance companies under reinsurance agreements. Reinsurance agreements are intended to limit a life insurers maximum loss on a large or unusually hazardous risk or to obtain a greater diversification of risk. The ceding insurance company remains primarily liable with respect to ceded insurance should any reinsurer be unable to meet the obligations assumed by it. However, it is the practice of insurers to reduce their exposure to loss to the extent that they have been reinsured with other insurance companies. The Company sets a limit on the amount of insurance retained on the life of any one person. The Company will not retain more than $125,000, including accidental death benefits, on any one life.

The Company, from time to time, acquires mortgage loans through participation agreements with FSNB. FSNB has been able to provide the Company with additional expertise and experience in underwriting commercial and residential mortgage loans, which provide more attractive yields than the traditional bond market. The Company is able to receive participations from FSNB for three primary reasons: 1) FSNB has already reached its maximum lending limit to a single borrower, but the borrower is still considered a suitable risk; 2) the interest rate on a particular loan may be fixed for a long period that is more suitable for UG given its asset-liability structure; and 3) FSNBs loan growth might at times outpace its deposit growth, resulting in FSNB participating such excess loan growth rather than turning customers away. For originated loans, the Companys Management is responsible for the final approval of such loans after evaluation. Before a new loan is issued, the applicant is subject to certain criteria set forth by Company Management to ensure quality control. These criteria include, but are not limited to, a credit report, personal financial information such as outstanding debt, sources of income, and personal equity. Once the loan is approved, the Company directly funds the loan to the borrower. The Company bears all risk of loss associated with the terms of the mortgage with the borrower.

   Company Address: 205 North Depot Street Stanford 40484 KY
   Company Phone Number: 241-6300   Stock Exchange / Ticker: UTGN

Customers Net Income fell by UTGN's Customers Net Profit Margin fell to

-5.54 %

19.14 %

• Customers Performance • Customers Expend. • Customers Efficiency • List of Customers


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Utg Inc

UTG Inc. Bounces Back Strong with Positive Income in Q1 20242.

he first quarter of 2024 has brought positive news for UTG Inc., the renowned life insurance company. After enduring a challenging year, the company's bottom-line turned positive at $2.89 per share, a significant improvement compared to the previous year's loss of $-2.18 per share during the same reporting period. Furthermore, it is worth noting that UTG Inc. enjoyed earnings of $1.14 per share in the previous financial period. Let's delve deeper into these financial results and examine UTG's recent performance against its share price movement.
Financial Results Analysis:
UTG Inc. witnessed an impressive surge in revenue, with a staggering increase of 76.857% from $9.41 million in the previous financial reporting period. This robust growth indicates that the company's initiatives to improve its sales strategy have paid off handsomely.

Utg Inc

Financial Crisis Deepens for Utg Inc as Revenue and Income Plummet in Fourth Quarter of 2023

The latest financial results for Utg Inc paint a grim picture for the company as their earnings per share (EPS) took a significant hit in the fourth quarter of 2023. A plunge of -79.7% to $1.14 per share compared to $5.62 the year prior is definitely concerning for investors. Additionally, income dropped by -30.4% from the previous quarter, showing a decline in overall profitability.
The revenue for Utg Inc also saw a sharp decline, falling by -67.307% to $9.41 million from $28.79 million in the same quarter the previous year. Sequentially, revenue fell by -25.721% from $12.67 million, indicating a consistent downward trend in sales. Earnings for the fourth quarter of 2023 plummeted by -79.56% to $3.639 million from $17.805 million in the corresponding period in 2022, further highlighting the company's struggles.

Utg Inc

UTGN Faces Dramatic Plunge in Top-line Revenue during Q3 2023

Financial reports are essential tools for investors and stakeholders to evaluate a company's performance, growth potential, and overall financial health. In this article, we will delve into the financial results of UTG Inc for the period of July to September 2023, analyze key figures, and assess the factors that impacted the company's profitability.
Net Profit and Earnings Per Share
During the July to September 2023 period, UTG Inc witnessed a significant decline in net profit per share of -35.43%, amounting to $1.64 per share. This drop was in comparison to $2.54 per share recorded in the previous year. However, it is important to note that earnings per share showed a remarkable improvement of 5366.67% from the prior quarter, increasing from $0.03 per share to match $1.64 per share.

Utg Inc

Utg Inc: Surprising Revenue Surge and Remarkable Turn into Profitability in Second Quarter of 2023

The stock market has been witnessing some exciting developments lately, particularly for one company that has experienced staggering revenue improvement. The latest financial report for this company reveals a remarkable rise in revenue by 21.238% to $6.37 million, leading to a transformative turn into profitability. This achievement is truly commendable and is indicative of the potential and resilience of this company.
Earnings per share for this company also witnessed a noteworthy improvement, reaching $0.03, compared to the disappointing $-0.24 in the second quarter of 2022. This positive upward trend in earnings per share is an encouraging sign for investors, indicating the company's ability to generate sustainable profits.

Utg Inc

Utg Inc Continues to Impress with Impressive ROA Amid Declining Earnings and Fierce Competition

Utg Inc, a financial company, recently released its first quarter financial results, showing a return on asset (ROA) of 9.12%. This is an impressive ROA compared to the company's average return on assets of 2.13%. However, the ROA decreased from the fourth quarter of 2022 due to a decline in net income. Unfortunately, within the financial sector, 102 other companies had a higher return on assets during the same period.
Overall, it appears that Utg Inc's total ranking based on return on assets has deteriorated from 953 to 1020 compared to the previous quarter. In addition, the company slipped into a deficit at $-2.18 per share in the January to March 31 2023 period, in contrast to earning $2.90 per share in the previous reporting period. In that same period of the previous year, the company realized $5.62 per share, showing a significant decline in earnings.

Utg Inc's Segments


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