Kona Gold Beverage Inc   (KGKG)
Other Ticker:  
Price: $0.0005 $0.00 0.000%
Day's High: $0.0005 Week Perf: -16.67 %
Day's Low: $ 0.00 30 Day Perf: -37.5 %
Volume (M): 175,897 52 Wk High: $ 0.01
Volume (M$): $ 88 52 Wk Avg: $0.00
Open: $0.00 52 Wk Low: $0.00

 Market Capitalization (Millions $) 1
 Shares Outstanding (Millions) 2,340
 Employees -
 Revenues (TTM) (Millions $) 4
 Net Income (TTM) (Millions $) -5
 Cash Flow (TTM) (Millions $) 0
 Capital Exp. (TTM) (Millions $) 0

Kona Gold Beverage Inc
Kona Gold Beverage Inc is a lifestyle brand company that operates in the hemp and CBD infused beverage market. It offers a range of hemp-infused drinks, including energy drinks, sparkling water, and relaxation shots. The company focuses on using high-quality ingredients sourced locally to create products that are both flavorful and beneficial to consumers. Kona Gold Beverage Inc aims to provide consumers with a healthy and natural alternative to traditional beverages for various wellness needs.

   Company Address: 746 North Drive Melbourne 32934 FL
   Company Phone Number: 714-2224   Stock Exchange / Ticker: KGKG


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Kona Gold Beverage Inc

Kona Gold Beverage Inc Witnesses Alarming Revenue Deterioration during Third Quarter Earnings

Bearish Outlook for Kona Gold Beverage Inc: Revenue Decline and Net Deficit
Kona Gold Beverage Inc (KGKG) has recently reported its financial results for the July to September 30, 2023 interval. Unfortunately, the company's performance during this period has been quite disappointing, with balanced books of $0.00 per share compared to $0.00 per share in the previous year and the previous reporting season. This lackluster performance is indicative of the company's struggling financials.
One of the major concerns highlighted in the company's financial report is the significant decline in revenue. Kona Gold's revenue for this interval faded by a staggering -39.162% to $0.69 million, down from $1.13 million in the same reporting season a year earlier. Furthermore, the sequential revenue fell by -26.005% from $0.93 million in the previous period. This sharp decline in revenue indicates a substantial deterioration in the company's business operations.

Kona Gold Beverage Inc

Kona Gold Beverage Inc demonstrates resilience and growth potential with $0.929519 million top-line earnings in Q2 2023

Kona Gold Beverage Inc (KGKG) recently reported its earnings for the second quarter of 2023, and despite facing some challenges, the company showed resilience and potential for growth.
In terms of earnings per share (EPS), KGKG reported a steady performance of $0.00 per share, which remained unchanged from the previous year and the prior financial reporting period. This consistency in earnings indicates stability and a solid business foundation.

Kona Gold Beverage Inc

Kona Gold Beverage Inc. Achieves Impressive $1.27 Million Revenue in Latest Fiscal Period, Cementing its Position as a Thriving Hemp-Infused Beverage Leader

Investors, get ready to raise your glasses to a company that's brewing up success in the stock market. Kona Gold Beverage Inc, the premier producer of high-quality hemp-infused beverages, has revealed some impressive financial results in the most recent fiscal period. Despite some challenges along the way, the company's latest report is good news for those with a stake in the business.
Kona Gold Beverage Inc has reported $1.274897 million in revenue for the most recent fiscal period. This is a fantastic figure that demonstrates they're selling plenty of their unique, high-quality beverages. This revenue is a testament to the company's innovative approach to mastering the art of hemp-infused drinks. With a wide range of flavors and options available, Kona Gold Beverage Inc continues to establish themselves as a strong player in the beverage industry.

Kona Gold Beverage Inc's Segments


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