Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc   (IOR)
Other Ticker:  
Price: $17.0000 $0.00 0.000%
Day's High: $17 Week Perf: 0.89 %
Day's Low: $ 16.86 30 Day Perf: 0.00
Volume (M): 0 52 Wk High: $ 19.00
Volume (M$): $ 7 52 Wk Avg: $14.57
Open: $16.86 52 Wk Low: $11.09

 Market Capitalization (Millions $) 70
 Shares Outstanding (Millions) 4
 Employees -
 Revenues (TTM) (Millions $) -
 Net Income (TTM) (Millions $) 7
 Cash Flow (TTM) (Millions $) 0
 Capital Exp. (TTM) (Millions $) 0

Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc
Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc is a real estate investment company that focuses on generating income through the acquisition, development, and management of properties. The company invests in various types of real estate, including single-family homes, multi-family properties, and commercial properties. Through its portfolio, Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc aims to generate consistent rental income and capital appreciation for its investors. The company may also explore other income-generating opportunities within the real estate industry.

   Company Address: 1603 Lyndon B. Johnson Freeway Dallas 75234 TX
   Company Phone Number: 522-4200   Stock Exchange / Ticker: NYSE IOR


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Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc

Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc Reports Operating Loss of $-0.095 Million in First Quarter of 2024

Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc is a company operating in the Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) sector. Like many other REITs, its performance in the first quarter of 2024 has come under scrutiny from industry reporters. The company reported an operating loss of $-0.095 million for the period from January to March 31, 2024. However, it is important to note that no specific revenue figures have been provided by the company for this quarter.
Comparing the performance of Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc in this quarter to the same period in the previous year, it is evident that the company has improved its cost-effectiveness. In the first quarter of 2023, the company reported an operating loss of $-0.537 million, indicating that it has been able to conduct business more efficiently in the current year.

Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc

Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc Shows Impressive Growth and Improved Financial Performance in Q4 2023

Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc (IOR) has shown impressive growth in the fourth quarter of 2023, with a significant increase in net income and a decrease in operating deficit compared to the previous year. The company's ability to compete more economically despite being a smaller player in the Real Estate Investment Trusts industry is a testament to their strategic approach and financial management.
In the fourth quarter of 2023, IOR reported an operating deficit of $-0.03 million, a substantial improvement from the deficit of $-0.428 million in the same period the previous year. The company's net income also saw a significant boost, reaching $2.474 million compared to $1.269 million in the fourth quarter of 2022. This growth in profitability is a positive sign of IOR's financial stability and potential for future success.

Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc

Real Estate Investment Trust Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc Faces Contracted Operating Performance in Fiscal Third Quarter of 2023

Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc is a real estate investment trust (REIT) that has recently reported its third-quarter results for 2023. Industry reporters are analyzing the financial performance of the company, which has reported an operating deficit of $-0.437 million. It is worth noting that the company has not yet announced any revenue for the reporting period between July to September 2023.
To better understand the current results, it is helpful to compare them to the same period in the previous year. In the third quarter of 2022, the company recorded an operating deficit of $-0.397 million. Interestingly, despite the lack of a revenue announcement, Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc managed to demonstrate a surplus of $1.643 million in the third quarter of 2023. This result not only indicates potential growth but also surpasses the company's performance in the third quarter of 2022.

Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc

Impressive 120% Profits Surge at Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc Signals Unprecedented Growth in 2023

As an avid investor, I closely follow the performance of various companies in the market. It is particularly intriguing to witness the recent financial results of Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc (IOR), which have defied market trends and shown impressive growth in the second quarter of this year when compared to the same period in the previous year.
In the Q2 financial report, IOR reported a staggering 120% increase in earnings per share (EPS), reaching an impressive $0.44. This growth is a reflection of the company's ability to capitalize on market opportunities and further solidify its position in the real estate industry. Furthermore, revenue also experienced a boost, reaching $0.00 million, indicating a strong and expanding client base.

Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc

Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc Starts 2023 Strong, Surpassing Average Return on Assets

Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc Reports a Strong Start to 2023
The Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc has reported a strong start to the first quarter of 2023, with a return on assets (ROA) of 4.23%, exceeding its average return on assets of 4.18%. Despite the company's net income deteriorating, it was able to improve its ROA compared to the previous quarter, according to its financial report.
Within the Financial sector, 129 other companies had a higher return on assets. However, the company?s overall ranking has advanced in the Mar 31 2023 quarter, climbing to 1118 from the total ROA ranking in the fourth quarter of 2022 - which was at 1766.


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