For the financial time-frame ending May 31 2024 company income per share soared of $0.01 per share compare to $0.00 a year prior and income per share turned positive from $-0.01 per share from the preceding reporting season. The revenue fell sharply by -74.645 % to $69.98 million from $275.99 million in the similar reporting season a year prior and sequentially revenue grew by 3.167 % from $67.83 million. The drop of revenue is in strong contrast to relative to on average Marine Transportation industry, which posted a top-line rise meanwhile.
PANL declared declining eps on increasing revenue in the July to September 30 2024, where Revenue rose by 4.999 % to $147.15 million relative to $140.15 million on a year-over-year basis, while net profit per share dived by -73.81 % to $0.11 per share, income per share was $0.42 in the financial period ending September 30 2023.
For the third quarter of 2024 earnings season Forward Air Corporation Deficit has widen of $-2.66 per share compare to $0.36 a year ago and EPS improved from $-23.47 per share from the prior reporting season. The revenue inched up strongly by 58.651 % to $655.94 million from $413.45 million in the same reporting season a year ago and sequentially revenue grew by 1.906 % from $643.67 million. Marine Transportation company's top-line, surge in the third quarter of 2024 measures advantageously to its Marine Transportation industry peers, which made overall 11.60 % revenue rise during the matching time thus far.
For the third quarter of 2024 earnings season GNK bottom-line turned positive of $0.49 per share compare to $-0.75 a year prior and net profit per share decreased by -9.26 % from $0.54 per share from the previous financial reporting period. The revenue grew substantially by 19.159 % to $99.33 million from $83.36 million in the comparable financial reporting period a year prior and sequentially Revenue deteriorated by -7.207 % from $107.05 million.
Revenue rise of 2.534 %, could not prevent income contraction of -32.99 % in the financial span closing Sep 30 2024, compared to corresponding reporting season a year ago. revenue were at $1.26 billion and eps at $0.65. Yet the BCOs' top-line surge trailing theMarine Transportation sector contemporaries, had an average 12.95% relative to the corresponding period a year ago top-line rise.
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