Gulfslope Energy Inc   (GSPE)
Other Ticker:  
    Sector  Energy    Industry Oil And Gas Production
   Industry Oil And Gas Production
   Sector  Energy
Price: $0.0001 $0.00 0.000%
Day's High: $0.0001 Week Perf: 0.00
Day's Low: $ 0.00 30 Day Perf: 0.00
Volume (M): 111 52 Wk High: $ 0.00
Volume (M$): $ 0 52 Wk Avg: $0.00
Open: $0.00 52 Wk Low: $0.00

 Market Capitalization (Millions $) 0
 Shares Outstanding (Millions) 1,269
 Employees 11
 Revenues (TTM) (Millions $) -
 Net Income (TTM) (Millions $) -5
 Cash Flow (TTM) (Millions $) 0
 Capital Exp. (TTM) (Millions $) 0

Gulfslope Energy Inc
GulfSlope Energy, Inc., a Delaware corporation, is an independent crude oil and natural gas exploration and production company whose interests are concentrated in the United States Gulf of Mexico (“GOM”) federal waters offshore Louisiana in less than 450 feet of water depth. The Company currently has under lease twelve federal

Since March 2013, we have been singularly focused on identifying high-potential oil and gas prospects located on the shelf in the U.S. GOM. We have licensed 3-D seismic data covering approximately 2.2 million acres and have evaluated this data using advanced interpretation technologies. As a result of these analyses, we have identified and acquired leases on multiple prospects that we believe may contain economically recoverable hydrocarbon deposits, and we plan to continue to conduct more refined analyses of our prospects as well as target additional lease and property acquisitions. We have given preference to areas with water depths of 450 feet or less where production infrastructure already exists, which will allow for any discoveries to be developed rapidly and cost effectively with the goal to reduce economic risk while increasing returns.

Experienced management. Our management has significant experience in finding and developing oil and natural gas. Our team has a track record of discovering and developing multi-billion dollar projects worldwide. The management team is led by John N. Seitz and Ronald A. Bain, who have over 80 years of combined industry experience exploring, discovering, and developing oil and natural gas. We successfully deployed a technical team with over 150 years of combined industry experience exploring for and developing oil and natural gas in the development and execution of our technical strategy. We believe the application of advanced geophysical techniques on a specific geographic area with unique geologic features such as conventional reservoirs whose trapping configurations have been obscured by overlying salt layers distinguishes us from most exploration and production (“E&P”) companies today.

Advanced seismic image processing. Commercial improvements in 3-D seismic data imaging and the development of advanced processing algorithms, including pre-stack depth, beam, and reverse time migration have allowed the industry to better distinguish hydrocarbon traps and identify previously unknown prospects. Specifically, advanced processing techniques improve the definition of the seismic data from a scale of time to a scale of depth, thus correctly locating the images in three dimensions. Our technical team has significant experience utilizing advanced seismic image processing techniques in our area of concentration.

Industry leading position in our area of concentration. As a result of interpreting our 3-D seismic data, we currently have twelve blocks under lease. We believe the proprietary reprocessing and contiguous nature of our licensed 3-D seismic data gives us an advantage over other E&P companies operating in our focus area. We will continue to identify additional leasing opportunities in our focus area that would further enhance our exploration drilling portfolio.

Efficient capital utilization. Our strategy has been to maximize efficiency of our capital utilization by obtaining and reprocessing 3-D seismic data in areas we believe offer significant opportunities at low entry costs. Substantially all of our capital deployed since March 2013 has been for the acquisition of leases in the Gulf of Mexico, licensing of seismic data, expenses related to the salaries of the technical staff who interpret the data, acquisition of the workstation hardware and software used to interpret that data, and the leasing of required office space. We have licensed our 3-D seismic data covering approximately 2.2 million acres on what we believe to be favorable terms.

We believe that a major obstacle to identifying potential hydrocarbon accumulations globally has been the inability of seismic technology to accurately image the geologic formations as a result of complex subsurface stratigraphy and structure. Certain subsurface layers can highly distort the seismic ray paths, potentially causing a misinterpretation of the underlying geology. Thus, we believe that the opportunity exists for a technology-driven petroleum exploration company to extensively apply the most advanced seismic technologies possible, with the goal of achieving higher commercial discovery rates for exploratory wells, and their subsequent appraisal and development, potentially having a positive impact on returns on invested capital. These tools and techniques have been proven to be effective in deep water exploration and production worldwide, and we have chosen to use them in an area of the shallower waters of the GOM where industry activity has been absent for over 20 years.

Our technical approach to exploration and development is to deploy a team of highly experienced geo-scientists who have current and extensive understanding of the geology and geophysics of the petroleum system within our focus area, thereby decreasing the traditional timing and execution risks of advancing up a learning curve. For data purchases, re-processing and interpretation, our technical staff has prioritized specific geographic areas, with the goal to optimize initial capital outlays.

Modern 3-D seismic datasets with acquisition parameters suitable for improved imaging at various depths are readily available in many of these basins, and can be licensed on commercially reasonable terms. Critical to the technical success is the application of the best seismic imaging technology available, in order to optimize delineation of prospective structures and to detect the presence of hydrocarbon-charged reservoirs below many complex geologic features. An example of such a seismic technology is reverse time migration, which we believe to be the most accurate, fastest, and yet affordable, seismic imaging technology for critical depth imaging available today.

   Company Address: 1000 Main St. Houston 77002 TX
   Company Phone Number: 918-4100   Stock Exchange / Ticker: GSPE

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-55.26 %

10.46 %

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Gulfslope Energy Inc

Gulfslope Energy Inc Faces Significant Losses in Recent Fiscal Period, Highlighting Challenges in Revenue Generation

Gulfslope Energy Inc, an oil and gas production company, has recorded a cumulative net loss of $-5 million during the 12 months ending in the second quarter of 2023. This is a significant amount of loss for the company and indicates that it has been facing challenges in generating revenues while also managing its expenses.
One particular area of concern for Gulfslope Energy Inc is its employee income per employee. The company's employees have not been as well-compensated as those in other companies in the same sector, with 62 other companies recording higher income per employee. This could affect employee morale and their loyalty to the company in the long run.


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