Goliath Film And Media Holdings  (GFMH)
Other Ticker:  
Price: $0.0036 $0.00 0.000%
Day's High: $0.0036 Week Perf: -14.29 %
Day's Low: $ 0.00 30 Day Perf: -5.26 %
Volume (M): 115 52 Wk High: $ 0.01
Volume (M$): $ 0 52 Wk Avg: $0.00
Open: $0.00 52 Wk Low: $0.00

 Market Capitalization (Millions $) 1
 Shares Outstanding (Millions) 177
 Employees -
 Revenues (TTM) (Millions $) 0
 Net Income (TTM) (Millions $) 0
 Cash Flow (TTM) (Millions $) 0
 Capital Exp. (TTM) (Millions $) 0

Goliath Film And Media Holdings
Goliath Film and Media Holdings is a media conglomerate based in Los Angeles, California. It operates in the entertainment industry, primarily focusing on film and television production, distribution, and licensing. The company is known for its diverse range of projects, including blockbuster movies, television shows, and digital content. Goliath Film and Media Holdings is committed to nurturing talent and creating high-quality entertainment that resonates with global audiences. The company also explores strategic partnerships and collaborations to expand its footprint in the industry.

   Company Address: 112 N. Curry Street Carson City 89703 NV
   Company Phone Number: 467-0721   Stock Exchange / Ticker: GFMH


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Goliath Film And Media Holdings

Goliath Film And Media Holdings Outshines Competitors, Reports Promising Growth Despite Operating Deficit

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of the Broadcasting Media & Cable TV sector, it is always intriguing to closely analyze the financial results of key players in the industry. Today, Goliath Film And Media Holdings (GFMH) has disclosed its operating deficit for the first quarter of 2024, and it is evident that the present performance has outshined the corresponding period from the previous year.
For the fiscal period between May and July 2023, numerous corporations have announced their earnings, but it is the numbers from GFMH that have caught the attention of industry observers. With an operating deficit of $-0.010817 million, it is clear that GFMH has encountered some challenges during the quarter. However, it is worth noting that this performance improvement may be a result of the company's continued focus on development and growth.

Goliath Film And Media Holdings

Goliath Film And Media Holdings Achieves Impressive Revenue Growth of $0.121582 Million, Setting Stage for Promising Future

Goliath Film And Media Holdings (GFMH) recently released its financial results for the period between February and April 2023. These results reveal a significant improvement in revenue, net income, and profit margins compared to the same period last year. Let's delve into the details and examine how these positive outcomes might impact the company's future.
1. Impressive Revenue Growth:
During the specified time frame, GFMH reported a revenue of $0.121582 million. This represents commendable growth compared to the financial period in the previous year. The increase in revenue suggests that the company's strategies and initiatives have been successful in attracting more customers and generating higher sales.

Goliath Film And Media Holdings's Segments


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