Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund Llc  (GDLC)
Other Ticker:  
    Sector  Financial    Industry Exchange Traded Funds Etf
Price: $18.5340 $0.23 1.279%
Day's High: $18.74 Week Perf: 8.83 %
Day's Low: $ 17.90 30 Day Perf: -8.79 %
Volume (M): 29 52 Wk High: $ 27.27
Volume (M$): $ 534 52 Wk Avg: $18.51
Open: $18.00 52 Wk Low: $8.12

 Market Capitalization (Millions $) -
 Shares Outstanding (Millions) -
 Employees -
 Revenues (TTM) (Millions $) -
 Net Income (TTM) (Millions $) 0
 Cash Flow (TTM) (Millions $) 0
 Capital Exp. (TTM) (Millions $) 0

Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund Llc
Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund LLC is a cryptocurrency investment fund that provides exposure to the top cryptocurrencies in the market. It is managed by Grayscale Investments, a digital asset management firm based in the United States. The fund offers investors the opportunity to gain diversified exposure to the digital asset market without needing to directly buy and store cryptocurrencies. Its portfolio consists of a mix of different cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and others, with the allocation being based on their market capitalization. The fund is structured as a private placement for accredited investors and aims to track the performance of the Grayscale Large Cap Digital Asset Index.

   Company Address: 290 Harbor Drive, 4th Floor Stamford 6902 CT
   Company Phone Number: 668-1427   Stock Exchange / Ticker: GDLC


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Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund Llc

Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund (GDLC) Strengthens Financial Position, Outperforms Market in September 2023

Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund LLC, a prominent player in the digital asset space, has experienced notable stock gains in recent months. Despite reporting balanced books and an unchanged net loss in the last fiscal period, the company's stock value has steadily climbed. This article explores the implications of these financial results and their potential impact on the company's future performance.
Rising Stock Value:
The stock of Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund LLC has seen a significant surge in value over the past few trading days, recording an impressive gain of 16.29%. Moreover, the stock has experienced an astonishing rise of 39.82% over the past 90 days, reaching its highest point in the past 52 weeks. This points to increased investor confidence and suggests positive market sentiment surrounding the company.

Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund Llc

Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund LLC Reports Consistent Year-on-Year Revenue Comparisons for Q2 2023

The stock market has been buzzing with anticipation as Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund Llc recently released its financial results for the period of April to June 30, 2023. Investors were pleased to learn that the company achieved balanced books, with an impressive $0.00 per share. This is a significant improvement compared to the previous year, signaling growth and stability.
Despite the challenges faced by many businesses in the past year, Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund Llc managed to maintain its revenue at an impressive $0.00 million, the same as the previous year. Additionally, the company reported a net loss of $0.000 million, which remains unchanged from the previous year. These consistent figures highlight the company's ability to navigate through market fluctuations and remain resilient.

Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund Llc

Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund LLC Surpasses Expectations, Rakes in $104.076 Million in Revenue for Q1 2023

Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund Llc has been making headlines with its outstanding revenue growth in the first quarter of 2023. The company has reportedly generated an impressive $104.076 million in revenue, indicating a massive rise in its financial positioning compared to the same period a year ago.
This achievement showcases the proficiency of the company's investment portfolio and its ability to weather market fluctuations effectively. The Digital Large Cap Fund's focus on cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin has undoubtedly paid off, making it one of the most attractive investment prospects on the market.


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