Core Laboratories Inc   (CLB)
Other Ticker:  
    Sector  Energy    Industry Oil And Gas Production
   Industry Oil And Gas Production
   Sector  Energy
Price: $17.0000 $0.33 1.980%
Day's High: $17.32 Week Perf: -1.62 %
Day's Low: $ 16.77 30 Day Perf: -11.73 %
Volume (M): 313 52 Wk High: $ 25.20
Volume (M$): $ 5,324 52 Wk Avg: $18.68
Open: $16.89 52 Wk Low: $13.82

 Market Capitalization (Millions $) 809
 Shares Outstanding (Millions) 48
 Employees 4,600
 Revenues (TTM) (Millions $) 509
 Net Income (TTM) (Millions $) 41
 Cash Flow (TTM) (Millions $) 3
 Capital Exp. (TTM) (Millions $) 10

Core Laboratories Inc

Core Laboratories N.V. is a Netherlands limited liability company. We were established in 1936 and are one of the worlds leading providers of proprietary and patented reservoir description and production enhancement services and products to the oil and gas industry. These services and products can enable our clients to improve reservoir performance and increase oil and gas recovery from their producing fields. We have over 70 offices in more than 50 countries and have approximately 4,600 employees.

Our business strategy is to provide advanced technologies that improve reservoir performance by (i) continuing the development of proprietary technologies through client-driven research and development, (ii) expanding the services and products offered throughout our global network of offices and (iii) acquiring complementary technologies that add key technologies or market presence and enhance existing services and products.

Development of New Technologies, Services and Products

We conduct research and development to meet the needs of our clients who are continually seeking new services and technologies to lower their costs of finding, developing and producing oil and gas. While the aggregate number of wells being drilled per year has fluctuated relative to market conditions, oil and gas producers have, on a proportional basis, increased expenditures on technology services to improve their understanding of the reservoir and increase production of oil and gas from their producing fields. We intend to continue concentrating our efforts on services and technologies that improve reservoir performance and increase oil and gas recovery.

International Expansion of Services and Products

Another component of our business strategy is to broaden the spectrum of services and products offered to our clients on a global basis. We intend to continue using our worldwide network of offices to offer many of our services and products that have been developed internally or obtained through acquisitions. This allows us to enhance our revenue through efficient utilization of our worldwide network.

We derive our revenue from services and product sales to clients primarily in the oil and gas industry.

These complementary segments provide different services and products and utilize different technologies for improving reservoir performance and increasing oil and gas recovery from new and existing fields. In connection with the realignment of our reporting structure, amounts previously reported in our Reservoir Management segment are now presented within our Reservoir Description and Production Enhancement segments, and prior periods have been revised to conform to the current presentation.

Reservoir Description: Encompasses the characterization of petroleum reservoir rock, fluid and gas samples to increase production and improve recovery of oil and gas from our clients reservoirs. We provide laboratory-based analytical and field services to characterize properties of crude oil and petroleum products to the oil and gas industry. We also provide proprietary and joint industry studies based on these types of analyses.

Production Enhancement: Includes services and products relating to reservoir well completions, perforations, stimulations and production. We provide integrated diagnostic services to evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of well completions and to develop solutions aimed at increasing the effectiveness of enhanced oil recovery projects.

   Company Address: 6316 Windfern Road Houston 77040 TX
   Company Phone Number: 328-2673   Stock Exchange / Ticker: NYSE CLB

Customers Net Income fell by CLB's Customers Net Profit Margin fell to

-47.21 %

15.27 %

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Stock Performances by Major Competitors

5 Days Decrease / Increase
ENSV        4.27% 
HAL   -2.82%    
RES   -3.34%    
SLB   -1.11%    
TTI        0.36% 
XPRO   -6.48%    
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Core Laboratories Inc

CLB Posts Impressive 220% EPS Growth and 860% Income per Share Increase in Q2 2023 Amid Solid Performance in the Oil and Gas Production Industry

ore Laboratories N.V., a leading provider of reservoir and production enhancement services to the oil and gas industry, has delivered outstanding financial performance in its most recent fiscal period. With substantial growth in key financial metrics, the company has established itself as a leader in the industry. This article explores the impressive financial results of Core Laboratories and highlights their impact on the company's stock performance.
Robust Earnings Growth:
Core Laboratories has demonstrated remarkable growth in its earnings per share (EPS), with a significant improvement of 220% from $0.15 per share to $0.48 per share compared to the previous year. This achievement showcases the company's ability to leverage its resources and expertise to generate higher profitability. Furthermore, the income per share improved by a staggering 860% from $0.05 to $0.48 per share in the preceding reporting period, reinforcing Core Laboratories' financial strength.

Core Laboratories Inc's Segments


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