
Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company  (NYSE: HBB)
Other Ticker:  
    Sector  Conglomerates    Industry Conglomerates
   Industry Conglomerates
   Sector  Conglomerates

Hamilton Beach Brands Holding's ROI from its third quarter of 2024 to the third quarter of 2023 and 5 Year Period

Return on Investment, Quarterly Results, Trends, Rankings, Statistics

What is Hamilton Beach Brands Holding's ROI in the third quarter of 2024?
Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company achieved a return on average invested assets (ROI) of 14.78 % in its third quarter of 2024, which is below Hamilton Beach Brands Holding's average return on investment, which stands at 15.14%.

ROI decreased relative to the period ending Jun 30 2024, due to the decline in net income.

Within the Conglomerates sector 2 other companies had a higher return on investment. While Return on investment, overall ranking has progressed in the Sep 30 2024 quarter, so far to 197, from total ROI ranking in the second quarter of 2024 at 262.

Definition and Formula of Return on Investment

Return On Investment (Sep 30 2024)
III. Quarter
(Jun 30 2024)
II. Quarter
(Mar 31 2024)
I. Quarter
(Dec 31 2023)
IV. Quarter
(Sep 30 2023)
III. Quarter
Y / Y Investment Change TTM -12.13 % -18.09 % -21.07 % -24.67 % -19.27 %
Y / Y Net Income Change TTM 106.16 % 316.56 % 250.72 % 94.09 % 116.2 %
Investment (TTM) in Millions 156 152 202 203 184
Return On Investment (TTM) 14.78 % 18.76 % 14.95 % 13.06 % 6.3 %
HBB's Overall Ranking # 197 # 262 # 320 # 476 # 1222
Seq. Investment Change TTM -3.79 % -4.1 % -0.17 % -4.61 % -10.32 %
Seq. Net Income Change TTM -24.2 % 20.36 % 14.32 % 97.65 % 53.17 %
Net Income (TTM) in Millions 26 35 29 25 13

Return On Investment HBB's Ranking
Within: No.
Industry # 3
Sector # 3
Overall # 197

Return On Investment Statistics
High Average Low
42.05 %
15.14 %
1.59 %
(Dec 31 2020)   (Sep 30 2019)

Financial Statements
Hamilton Beach Brands Holding's III. Quarter Investments $ 156 Millions HBB's Balance sheet
Hamilton Beach Brands Holding's III. Quarter Income $ 2 Millions Quarterly HBB's Income Statement
HBB's Income by Division See HBB's Income by Division

HBB Annual Return On Investment (Dec 31 2023)
(Dec 31 2022)
(Dec 31 2021)
(Dec 31 2020)
(Dec 31 2019)
Total Investments in Millions 203 241 218 192 87
Y / Y Investment Growth -15.55 % 10.19 % 13.65 % 119.94 % -
Net Income in Millions 25 25 21 46 -14
Y / Y Net Income Growth -0.1 % 18.59 % -53.94 % - -
Annual Return On Investment 12.42 % 10.5 % 9.76 % 24.08 % -15.46 %

Annual Roi Comment
Despite deterioration in net income, company improved ROI to in the fiscal year 2023, company improved ROI to 12.42 % compare to previous year.

Definition and Formula of Return on Investment

Other ROI Ratios
Conglomerates Industry Roi Trends and Statistics
Conglomerates Sector Return On Investment Statistics
Roi Trends for overall market
HBB's Roi Ratio versus Conglomerates Industry, Conglomerates Sector and total Market
Highest Ranking Return On Investment
Lowest Ranking Return On Investment
Return On Investment for HBB's Competitors
Roi for Hamilton Beach Brands Holding's Suppliers
Return On Investment for HBB's Customers

Other Ratios
HBB's Roa HBB's Inventory Turnover Ratio HBB's Growth Rates HBB's Dividend Statistics
HBB's Profitability Ratios HBB's Asset Turnover Ratio HBB's Dividend Growth
HBB's Roe HBB's Valuation Ratios HBB's Financial Strength Ratios HBB's Dividend Payout Ratio

Companies with similar Return On Investment at Sep 30 2024, within Conglomerates Sector ROI
Ab International Group Corp   40.03 %
Interdigital Inc   28.27 %
Honeywell International Inc  14.49 %
Steel Partners Holdings L p   12.82 %
Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company  12.03 %
Dolby Laboratories Inc   10.06 %
Acacia Research Corporation  7.79 %
Helen Of Troy Limited  5.84 %
Scientific Energy Inc   4.63 %
Rtx Corporation  4.34 %

Date modified: 2024-10-31T10:02:20+00:00


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