
Ericsson Lm Telephone Co  (ERIC)
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   Industry Consumer Electronics
   Sector  Technology

Ericsson Lm Telephone Co's ROE per quarter

Return on Equity, Quarterly Results, Trends, Rankings, Statistics

What is ROE for Ericsson Lm Telephone Co in the forth quarter 2023?
Ericsson Lm Telephone Co had a negative return on equity (ROE) of -26.8%, due to the net loss of $-2 billion, during the twelve months ending in the forth quarter 2023.

Within the Consumer Electronics industry 26 other companies had a higher return on equity. While return on equity, the total ranking has deteriorated compared to the third quarter 2023 from 0 to 2669.

What is ROE?

Return On Equity (Dec 31 2023)
IV. Quarter
III. Quarter
II. Quarter
I. Quarter
(Dec 31 2022)
IV. Quarter
Y / Y Equity Change -26.93 % -26.93 % -26.93 % -26.93 % -
Y / Y Net Income Change - - - - -16.83 %
Net Income (TTM) in Millions -2,806 2,055 2,055 2,055 2,055
Return On Equity (TTM) -26.8 % 17.97 % 16.57 % 15.37 % 14.34 %
ERIC's Total Ranking # 2669 # 0 # 0 # 0 # 1278
Equity (TTM) in Millions 10,471 10,471 10,471 10,471 14,330
Seq. Equity Change 0 % 0 % 0 % -26.93 % 0 %
Seq. Net Income Change - - - - -

Return On Equity Company Ranking
Within: No.
Industry # 27
Sector # 394
Overall # 2669

Return On Equity Statistics
High Average Low
21.46 %
4.13 %
-26.8 %
(Dec 31 2021)   (Dec 31 2023)

ERIC Annual Return On Equity (Dec 31 2023)
(Dec 31 2022)
(Dec 31 2021)
(Dec 31 2020)
(Dec 31 2019)
Total Equity in Millions 10,471 14,330 11,513 9,157 8,802
Y / Y Equity Change -26.93 % 24.47 % 25.74 % 4.03 % -6.71 %
Net Income in Millions -2,806 2,055 2,470 1,894 198
Y / Y Net Income Change - -16.83 % 30.4 % 857.77 % -
Return On Equity -26.8 % 14.34 % 21.46 % 20.69 % 2.25 %

More Return On Equity Ratios
Consumer Electronics Industry Roe Trends and Statistics
Technology Sector Return On Equity Statistics
ERIC's' Return on Equity at Yahoo Finance
ERIC's Roe Ratio versus Consumer Electronics Industry, Technology Sector and overall Market
Highest Ranking Return On Equity
Lowest Ranking Return On Equity
Roe for ERIC's Competitors
Return On Equity for Ericsson Lm Telephone Co's Suppliers
Roe for ERIC's Customers

Companies with similar Return On Equity at Dec 31 2023, within Technology Sector ROE

Date modified: 2024-03-13T04:18:13+00:00


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