
Ennis Inc   (EBF)
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Ennis Inc Efficiency Comparisons

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EBF Efficiency Comparisons

Company Industry Sector S&P 500
Revenue per Employee (Q2 TTM) $ 68,329 - 565,985 544,020
Net Income per Employee (Q2 TTM) $ 6,921 - 45,372 49,626
Inventory Sales Ratio (Q2 TTM) 9.73 - 8.55 13.5
Inventory Turnover Ratio (Q2 TTM) CGS 6.84 - 5.93 7.15
Asset Turnover Ratio (Q2 TTM) 0.98 - 0.75 0.32
Receivable Turnover Ratio (Q2 TTM) 8.77 - 9.73 4.89

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