
Galera Therapeutics Inc   (GRTX)
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Galera Therapeutics Inc

GRTX's Financial Statements and Analysis

Galera Therapeutics Inc narrowed third quarter of 2024 net loss per share of $-0.10 compare to net loss per share of $-0.33 recorded in the same quarter a year ago a decrease compare to $-0.07 realized in previous quarter.

third quarter of 2024
Earnings Per Share Revenues
$ -0.1 $  0 Mill
$+0.23     Unch.    

Galera Therapeutics Inc 's Revenue fell by 0 % in third quarter of 2024 (Sep 30 2024) year on year, to $0 million and declined by sequentially.

Galera Therapeutics Inc is

More on GRTX's Income Statement

Galera Therapeutics Inc in the third quarter of 2024 recorded net loss of $-5.581 million, an improvement compare to net loss of $-15.073 million in III. Quarter a year ago.

Sequentially net loss advanced

More on GRTX's Growth

Galera Therapeutics Inc Inventories
In Sep 30 2024 company's net cash and cash equivalents decreased by $-2 million

Galera Therapeutics Inc does not pay out common stock dividend.

In trailing twelve-month period Galera Therapeutics Inc payed $ -0.36 cash per share, on a free-cash flow basis .

Tangible Book value fell to $ -2.63 per share from $ -2.60.

Company repurchased 0.00 million shares or 0.00 % in Sep 30 2024.

More on GRTX's Dividends

 Market Capitalization (Millions) 2
 Shares Outstanding (Millions) 54
 Total Debt (Millions $) -
 Revenue (TTM) (Millions $) -
 Net Income (TTM) (Millions $) -20
 Cash Flow (TTM) (Millions $) -16
 Capital Exp. (TTM) (Millions $) 0
 Dividend TTM ($) 0 $
 Dividend Yield TTM (%) -
 Employees (TTM) $ 38

Galera Therapeutics Inc does not pay out common stock dividend.

In trailing twelve-month period Galera Therapeutics Inc had negative $ -0.36 cash flow per share, on a free-cash flow basis .

Tangible Book value fell to $ -2.63 per share from $ -2.60.

Company repurchased 0.00 million shares or 0.00 % in Sep 30 2024.

More on GRTX's Balance Sheets

 Market Capitalization (Millions) 2
 Shares Outstanding (Millions) 54
 Total Debt (Millions $) -
 Revenue (TTM) (Millions $) -
 Net Income (TTM) (Millions $) -20
 Cash Flow (TTM) (Millions $) -16
 Capital Exp. (TTM) (Millions $) 0
 Dividend TTM ($) 0 $
 Dividend Yield TTM (%) -
 Employees (TTM) $ 38

  News about Galera Therapeutics Inc Earnings

Prominent Pharmaceutical Company Faces Corporate Challenges Amidst Third-Quarter Financial Downturn

The pharmaceutical industry has been closely following Galera Therapeutics Inc's third-quarter earnings report, providing valuable insights into the company's financial standing and its prospects for the near future. Despite reporting a significant operating shortfall, there are several positive developments that hint at a potential turnaround for this major player in the pharmaceutical preparations sector.
Operating Shortfall and Revenue Speculation
Galera Therapeutics Inc's third-quarter financial reporting showed an operating shortfall of $-13.396 million. While the company has not disclosed specific revenue figures for the July to September 30, 2023 period, this has left investors e...

Galera Therapeutics Inc Faces Potential Revenue Struggles, Reports Operating Loss and Significant Shortfall in Q2 2023

Galera Therapeutics Inc: A Potential Struggle for Revenue
Galera Therapeutics Inc, a lesser-known company in the Major Pharmaceutical Preparations sector, recently reported an operating loss of $-16.807 million for the second quarter of 2023. This marked a worsening from the operating loss of $-11.955 million in the same quarter of the previous year. However, what has caught the attention of market participants is the absence of revenue and the significant shortfall of $-20.712 million during the April to June 30, 2023 interval. This represents a considerable increase from the shortfall of $-14.558 million in the same period the previous year.
These financial results have raised concerns among invest...

Galera Therapeutics Inc Reports Surge in Operating Losses, Raises Concerns among Investors

Galera Therapeutics Inc (GRTX) has reported its financial performance for the January to March 31, 2023 reporting cycle, with stockholders not seeing any significant changes in revenue. However, the company's operating loss during the same period was reported to be $-13.881 million, a figure that investors are paying close attention to.
To put this into context, the operating loss for the first quarter of 2022 was $-13.154 million, and it is evident that there has not been significant progress in turning this deficit around. While certain choppy periods are expected during the process of developing prosperous revenue sources, it is still important to note that the operating loss for the fiscal interval e...

Date modified: 2024-12-16T13:06:48+00:00


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