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Casinos & Gaming Industry Financial Strength Information

Financial Strength Information & Trends  


Casinos & Gaming Industry 3 Q 2 Q 1 Q 4 Q 3 Q
  2016 2016 2016 2015 2015
Quick Ratio (TTM) 0.62 2.06 - 1.38 0.9
Quick Ratio Ranking # 36 # 8 # 0 # 28 # 14
Working Capital Ratio (TTM) 1.04 2.36 - 1.68 1.77
Working Capital Ratio Ranking # 81 # 18 # 0 # 47 # 34
Working Capital Per Revenue 0.01 0.36 - 0.18 0.19
Working Capital Per Revenue Ranking # 21 # 90 # 21 # 83 # 66
Leverage Ratio (TTM) 3.92 954.77 - 23.07 24.15
Leverage Ratio Ranking # 85 # 105 # 3 # 104 # 102
Total Debt to Equity (TTM) 0.1 - - 0.29 0.57
Total Debt to Equity Ranking # 69 # 2 # 1 # 94 # 100
Interest Coverage (TTM) 2.35 3.49 - 2.12 2.87
Interest Coverage Ranking # 90 # 84 # 93 # 83 # 89
Debt Coverage (TTM) 5.33 - - 2 4.51
Debt Coverage Ranking # 43 # 84 # 95 # 52 # 54

Quick Ratio Comment
On the trailing twelve months basis Despite sequential decrease in Current Liabilities, Quick Ratio detoriated to 0.62 in the 3 Q 2016 below Casinos & Gaming Industry average.

Within Services sector only one Industry has accomplished higher Quick Ratio. Quick Ratio total ranking fell in contrast to the previous quarter from 8 to 36.

Note, Numbers include only companies who have reported earnings results. Numbers change as more businesses report financial results. See the full List.

Quick Ratio Statistics as of 3 Q 2016
High Average Low
2.12 1.2 0.35
4. quarter 2014   3. quarter 2022

Quick Ratio Industry Ranking
Within: No.
Sector # 2
Overall # 36

Other Quick Ratios
Compare Industry's quick ratio to Nfe's or S&P Constituent list of Casinos & Gaming Industry
Highest Ranking Quick Ratios Lowest Ranking Quick Ratios
Quick Ratios for NFE's Competitors Definiton of Quick Ratio

Casinos & Gaming Industry Working Capital Ratio Statistics as of 3 Q 2016

Working Capital Ratio Statistics as of 3 Q 2016
High Average Low
2.37 1.59 1.03
4. quarter 2014   2. quarter 2017

Working Capital Ratio Comment
On the trailing twelve months basis Despite sequential decrease in Current Liabilities, Working Capital Ratio detoriated to 1.04 in the 3 Q 2016 below Casinos & Gaming Industry average.

Within Services sector 9 other industries have achieved higher Working Capital Ratio. Working Capital Ratio total ranking has deteriorated relative to the previous quarter from 18 to 81.

Working Capital Ratio Industry Ranking
Within: No.
Sector # 10
Overall # 81

Other Working Capital Ratios
Highest Ranking Working Capital Ratios Lowest Ranking Working Capital Ratios
Compare Industry's Working Capital ratio to Nfe's or S&P Constituent list of Casinos & Gaming Industry
Working Capital ratios for NFE's Competitors Definiton of Working Capital Ratio

Casinos & Gaming Industry Working Capital Per Revenue Statistics as of 3 Q 2016
Working Capital Per Revenue Comment
On the trailing twelve months basis Casinos & Gaming Industry's Working Capital Per Revenue sequentially decreased to 0.01 in the 3 Q 2016, below Industry average.

Within Services sector 7 other industries have achieved lower Working Capital Per Revenue. Working Capital Per Revenue total ranking has improved to 21, from total ranking in previous quarter at 90.

Working Capital Per Revenue Statistics as of 3 Q 2016
High Average Low
0.52 0.17 0
1. quarter 2021   1. quarter 2016

Working Capital Per Revenue Industry Ranking
Within: No.
Sector # 8
Overall # 21

Other Working Capital Per Revenue
Compare Industry's Working Capital Per Revenue to Nfe's or S&P Constituent list of Casinos & Gaming Industry
Return On Assets for Casinos & Gaming Industry Definiton of Working Capital Per Revenue

Casinos & Gaming Industry Leverage Ratio Statistics as of 3 Q 2016

Leverage Ratio Statistics as of 3 Q 2016
High Average Low
954.77 -17.97 -568.09
2. quarter 2016   4. quarter 2014

Leverage Ratio Comment
Due to repayements of liabilities of 3.18% Industry improved Liabilities to Equity ratio in 3 Q 2016 to 3.92, above Casinos & Gaming Industry average.

Among other Industries in the Services sector 12 other industries have achieved lower Leverage Ratio.

Leverage Ratio total ranking has improved so far to 85, from overall ranking in the previous quarter at 105.

Leverage Ratio Industry Ranking
Within: No.
Sector # 13
Overall # 85

Other Leverage Ratios
Compare Industry's Leverage ratio to Nfe's or S&P Bond Interest rates
Highest Ranking Leverage Ratios Lowest Ranking Leverage Ratios
Leverage Ratios for NFE's Competitors What is Leverage Ratio?

Casinos & Gaming Industry Total Debt to Equity Ratio Statistics as of 3 Q 2016
Debt to Equity Ratio Comment
Due to net new borrowings of -20.4%, Total Debt to Equity detoriated to 0.1 in the 3 Q 2016, above Industry average.

Within Services sector 13 other industries have achieved lower Debt to Equity Ratio. Debt to Equity Ratio total ranking has contracted relative to the preceding quarter from 2 to 69.

Debt to Equity Ratio Statistics as of 3 Q 2016
High Average Low
0.57 -40.22 -455.37
3. quarter 2015   4. quarter 2014

Debt to Equity Industry Ranking
Within: No.
Sector # 14
Overall # 69

Other Debt to Equity Ratios
Highest Ranking Debt to Equity Ratios Lowest Ranking Debt to Equity Ratios
Compare Industry's Debt to Equity ratio to Nfe's or S&P Definiton of Debt to Equity Ratio

Casinos & Gaming Industry Interest Coverage Ratio Statistics as of 3 Q 2016

Interest Coverage Ratio Statistics as of 3 Q 2016
High Average Low
7.41 3.12 -0.84
3. quarter 2017   4. quarter 2020

Interest Coverage Ratio Comment
On the trailing twelve months basis Despite sequential decrease in interest expenses, Interest Coverage Ratio detoriated to 2.35 in the 3 Q 2016, below Casinos & Gaming Industry average.

In the Services sector 15 other industries have accomplished higher Interest Coverage Ratio. Interest Coverage overall ranking fell in contrast to the prior period from 84 to 90.

Interest Coverage Ratio Industry Ranking
Within: No.
Sector # 16
Overall # 90

Other Interest Coverage Ratios
Highest Ranking Interest Coverage Ratios Lowest Ranking Interest Coverage Ratios
Compare Industry's Interest Coverage ratio to Nfe's or S&P Definiton of Interest Coverage Ratio

Casinos & Gaming Industry Debt Coverage Statistics as of 3 Q 2016
Debt Coverage Ratio Comment
On the trailing twelve months basis