Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc   (CMG)
Other Ticker:  
    Sector  Services    Industry Restaurants
   Industry Restaurants
   Sector  Services

   Period (days):   
 CMG $58.5900 $2.8200 5.06%

 Volume (M): 19,878   Open : 56.34    52 Wk Avg :  54.59

 CMG $58.5900 $2.8200 5.06%

 Volume (M): 19,878   Open : 56.34    52 Wk Avg :  54.59

Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc CMG Bollinger Bands Chart

Bollinger Bands are indicators that allowe users to compare volatility and relative price levels over a period time. The indicators consists of three bands (SMA, SMA+2 standard deviations, SMA-2 standard deviations) designed to encompass the majority of a security's price action.

In addition to identifying relative price levels and volatility, Bollinger Bands can be combined with stock price change and other indicators to generate signals and significant price change.

Double bottom buy: A double bottom buy signal is given when stock prices cross the lower band and remain above the lower band after a subsequent low forms. Either low can be higher or lower than the other. The important thing is that the second low remains above the lower band. The bullish setup is confirmed when the price moves above the middle band, or simple moving average.


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