
Aiadvertising Inc  (CLWD)
Other Ticker:  
    Sector  Retail    Industry Specialty Retail
   Industry Specialty Retail
   Sector  Retail

CLWD's Revenue Growth by Quarter and Year

Aiadvertising Inc's Revenue results by quarter and year

CLWD Revenue (in millions $) FY 2024 FY 2023 FY 2022 FY 2021
IV Quarter December - 2.09 1.85 1.78
III Quarter September 2.24 0.64 1.62 2.00
II Quarter June 2.31 2.17 1.20 1.62
I Quarter March 2.02 2.08 1.47 1.72
FY   6.57 6.98 6.14 7.12

CLWD Revenue third quarter 2024 Y/Y Growth Comment
Aiadvertising Inc achieved in the third quarter 2024, above Company average Revenue surge of 249.52% year on year, to $ 2.24 millions.

Looking into third quarter 2024 results within Specialty Retail industry 33 other companies have achieved higher Revenue growth. While Aiadvertising Inc' s Revenue doubling of 249.52% ranks overall at the positon no. 2826 in the third quarter 2024.

CLWD Revenue ( Y/Y Growth %) 2024
2023 2022 2021
IV Quarter December - 12.97 % 3.93 % -25.83 %
III Quarter September 249.52 % -60.49 % -19 % -17.01 %
II Quarter June 6.45 % 80.83 % -25.93 % -49.38 %
I Quarter March -2.88 % 41.5 % -14.53 % -26.18 %
FY   - 13.68 % -13.76 % -31.14 %

Financial Statements
Aiadvertising Inc's third quarter 2024 Revenue $ 2.24 millions CLWD's Income Statement
Aiadvertising Inc's third quarter 2023 Revenue $ 0.64 millions Quarterly CLWD's Income Statement

CLWD Revenue (Quarter on Quarter Growth %)

2023 2022 2021
IV Quarter December - 226.56 % 14.2 % -11 %
III Quarter September -3.16 % -70.51 % 35 % 23.46 %
II Quarter June 14.36 % 4.33 % -18.37 % -5.81 %
I Quarter March -3.35 % 12.43 % -17.42 % -28.33 %
FY (Year on Year)   - 13.68 % -13.76 % -31.14 %

Revenue third quarter 2024 Y/Y Growth Company Ranking
Within: No.
Specialty Retail Industry #34
Retail Sector #150
Overall #2826

Revenue Y/Y Growth Statistics
High Average Low
517.84 % 54.02 % -31.14 %
(Sep 30 2016)   (Sep 30 2021)
Revenue third quarter 2024 Y/Y Growth Company Ranking
Within: No.
Specialty Retail Industry #34
Retail Sector #150
Overall #2826
Revenue Y/Y Growth Statistics
High Average Low
517.84 % 54.02 % -31.14 %
(Sep 30 2016)   (Sep 30 2021)

Revenue by Quarter for the Fiscal Years 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

Aiadvertising Inc's Q/Q Revenue Growth

Revenue Q/Q Growth Statistics
High Average Low
585.17 % 31.13 % -75.58 %
(Dec 31 2015)  

CLWD's III. Quarter Q/Q Revenue Comment
In the III. Quarter 2024 Aiadvertising Inc reported fall in Revenue from the second quarter by -3.16% to $ 2.24 millions, from $ 2.31 millions declared in the previous quarter.

When you analyse present downturn in the quarter, you must assume, that frequently III. Quarter Revenue emerge weaker then in the preciding period,Most analysts said.

Within Specialty Retail industry 22 other companies have achieved higher Revenue quarter on quarter growth. While Aiadvertising Inc's Revenue growth quarter on quarter, overall rank is 2680.

Revenue Q/Q Growth Company Ranking
Within: No.
Specialty Retail Industry #23
Retail Sector #109
Overall #2680
Revenue Q/Q Growth Company Ranking
Within: No.
Specialty Retail Industry #23
Retail Sector #109
Overall #2680
Revenue Q/Q Growth Statistics
High Average Low
585.17 % 31.13 % -75.58 %
(Dec 31 2015)  

CLWD's III. Quarter Q/Q Revenue Comment
In the III. Quarter 2024 Aiadvertising Inc reported fall in Revenue from the second quarter by -3.16% to $ 2.24 millions, from $ 2.31 millions achived in the previous quarter.

As we evaluate present downturn in the quarter, we suppose to take into consideration, that commonly III. Quarter performance emerge softer in contrast to the quarter before,Most analysts mentioned.

Within Specialty Retail industry 22 other companies have achieved higher Revenue quarter on quarter growth. While Aiadvertising Inc's Revenue growth quarter on quarter, overall rank is 2680.

Aiadvertising Inc's 12 Months Revenue Growth Year on Year

Revenue TTM Growth

12 Months Ending
(Sep 30 2024)
12 Months Ending
(Jun 30 2024)
12 Months Ending
(Mar 31 2024)
12 Months Ending
(Sep 30 2023)
12 Months Ending
(Jun 30 2023)
Cumulative Revenue 12 Months Ending $ 8.65 $ 7.06 $ 6.92 $ 6.98 $ 6.74
Y / Y Revenue Growth (TTM) 28.37 % -8.58 % 2.66 % 13.75 % 11.14 %
Year on Year Revenue Growth Overall Ranking # 994 # 644 # 2130 # 3010 # 3346
Seqeuential Revenue Change (TTM) 22.63 % 1.92 % -0.81 % 3.55 % -12.68 %
Seq. Revenue Growth (TTM) Overall Ranking # 2826 # 841 # 1113 # 2138 # 2894

Cumulative Revenue growth Comment
Although Aiadvertising Inc's Annual Revenue growth year on year were below company's average 54.02% , Revenue announced in the Sep 30 2024 period, show improvement in Revenue trend, to cumulative trailing twelve month growth of 28.37% year on year, from -8.58% in Jun 30 2024.

Within the Retail sector 25 other companies have achieved higher trailing twelve month Revenue growth. While Revenue growth total ranking has deteriorated compare to previous quarter from 644 to 994.

Revenue TTM Q/Q Growth Statistics
High Average Low
517.84 %
54.02 %
-31.14 %

Revenue TTM Y/Y Growth Company Ranking
Within: No.
Specialty Retail Industry # 34
Retail Sector # 26
Overall # 994

Revenue TTM Y/Y Growth Statistics
High Average Low
517.84 %
54.02 %
-31.14 %

Revenue TTM Q/Q Growth Company Ranking
Within: No.
Industry # 34
Sector # 150
S&P 500 # 2826
Cumulative Revenue growth Comment
Although Aiadvertising Inc's Annual Revenue growth year on year were below company's average 54.02% , Revenue announced in the Sep 30 2024 period, show improvement in Revenue trend, to cumulative trailing twelve month growth of 28.37% year on year, from -8.58% in Jun 30 2024.

Within the Retail sector 25 other companies have achieved higher trailing twelve month Revenue growth. While Revenue growth total ranking has deteriorated compare to previous quarter from 644 to 994.

Revenue TTM Q/Q Growth Statistics
High Average Low
517.84 %
54.02 %
-31.14 %

Revenue TTM Y/Y Growth Company Ranking
Within: No.
Specialty Retail Industry # 34
Retail Sector # 26
Overall # 994

Revenue TTM Y/Y Growth Statistics
High Average Low
517.84 %
54.02 %
-31.14 %

Revenue TTM Q/Q Growth Company Ranking
Within: No.
Industry # 34
Sector # 150
S&P 500 # 2826

Other Revenue Growth
Specialty Retail Industry Revenue Growth Trends and Statistics
Retail Sector Revenue Growth Statistics
Revenue Growth Trends for overall market
CLWD's Revenue Growth Ratio versus Specialty Retail Industry, Retail Sector and total Market
Highest Ranking Revenue Growth
Lowest Ranking Revenue Growth
Revenue Growth for CLWD's Competitors
Revenue Growth for Aiadvertising Inc's Suppliers
Revenue Growth for CLWD's Customers

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CLWD's Roa CLWD's Inventory Turnover Ratio CLWD's Growth Rates CLWD's Dividend Comparisons

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