
Flyingeagle Pu Technical Corp  (FEPUE)
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Cumulative Flyingeagle Pu Technical's Total Debt to Equity for Trailing Twelve Months Period

FEPUE's Total Debt to Equity for Trailing Twelve Months Period and Total Debt, Equity growth

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FEPUE Total Debt to Equity for Trailing Twelve Months Period

(Dec 31 2011)
IV. Quarter

Y / Y Equity Growth - - - - -
Y / Y Total Debt Growth - - - - -
Total Debt to Equity for Trailing Twelve Months Period 0.66 - - - -
Total Ranking # # # # #
Seq. Equity Growth - - - - -
Seq. Total Debt Growth - - - - -

Total Debt to Equity for Trailing Twelve Months Period Comment for 12 Months ending at Dec 31 2011
On the trailing twelve months basis Due to net new borrowings of %, Total Debt to Equity for Trailing Twelve Months Period