
Lotus Technology inc   (LOT)
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Lotus Technology Inc 's Tangible Leverage Ratio

LOT's quarterly Tangible Leverage Ratio and Total Liabilities, Tangible Equity growth

In IV Quarter 2023 Lotus Technology Inc had stockholder deficit.

Within EV, Auto & Truck Manufacturers industry Lotus Technology inc achieved the lowest Tangible Leverage Ratio in the forth quarter 2023. While total ranking remained the same in the forth quarter 2023 compared to the previous quarter at no. .

Explain Tangible Leverage Ratio?
What is LOT Market Share?
What are LOT´s Total Liabilities?

LOT Tangible Leverage Ratio (Dec 31 2023)
IV. Quarter
III. Quarter
II. Quarter
I. Quarter

Y / Y Tangible Equity Change - - - - -
Y / Y Total Liabilities Change - - - - -
Tangible Leverage Ratio MRQ - - - - -
LOT's Total Ranking # # # # #
Seq. Tangible Equity Change - - - - -
Seq. Total Liabilities Change 0 % 0 % 0 % - -

Tangible Leverage Ratio forth quarter 2023 Company Ranking
Within: No.
EV, Auto & Truck Manufacturers Industry #
Consumer Discretionary Sector #
Overall Market #

Tangible Leverage Ratio Statistics
High Average Low
0 0 0

Financial Statements
Lotus Technology Inc 's Tangible Equity $ -1,327 Millions Visit LOT's Balance sheet
Lotus Technology Inc 's Total Liabilities $ 2,795 Millions Visit LOT's Balance sheet
Source of LOT's Sales Visit LOT's Sales by Geography

Cumulative Lotus Technology Inc 's Tangible Leverage Ratio

LOT's Tangible Leverage Ratio for the trailling 12 Months

LOT Tangible Leverage Ratio

(Dec 31 2023)
IV. Quarter
III. Quarter
II. Quarter
I. Quarter

Y / Y Tangible Equity TTM Growth - - - - -
Y / Y Total Liabilities TTM Growth - - - - -
Tangible Leverage Ratio TTM - - - - -
Total Ranking TTM
Seq. Tangible Equity TTM Growth - - - - -
Seq. Total Liabilities TTM Growth 0 % 0 % 0 % - -

On the trailing twelve months basis During the 12 months period ending IV Quarter 2023 company had stockholder deficit.
Tangible Leverage Ratio is the average cumulative value over the last four quarters.

Among companies in the EV, Auto & Truck Manufacturers industry LOT recorded the lowest Tangible Leverage Ratio. While total ranking remained unchanged compared to previous 12 month period at no. 0.

Explain Tangible Leverage Ratio?
What is LOT Market Share?
What are LOT´s Total Liabilities?

TTM Tangible Leverage Ratio Company Ranking
Within: No.
Within the EV, Auto & Truck Manufacturers Industry #
Consumer Discretionary Sector #
Within the Market #

trailing twelve months Tangible Leverage Ratio Statistics
High Average Low
0 0 0

Companies with similar Tangible Leverage Ratio in the quarter ending Dec 31 2023, within EV, Auto & Truck Manufacturers Industry Tangible Leverage RatioDec 31 2023 MRQ Total LiabilitiesDec 31 2023 MRQ Tangible Equity

Date modified: 2024-04-23T19:43:41+00:00


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