
Levi Strauss and Co   (NYSE: LEVI)
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Levi Strauss And Co 's Long Term Debt to Equity

LEVI's quarterly Long Term Debt to Equity and Long Term Debt, Equity growth

Due to long-term debt repayement of -2.6% Levi Strauss And Co improved Long Term Debt to Equity in forth quarter 2024 to 0.5, below the company's average Long Term Debt to Equity.

Within Apparel, Footwear & Accessories industry Levi Strauss and Co achieved the lowest Long Term Debt to Equity in the forth quarter 2024. While Long Term Debt to Equity total ranking has deteriorated compared to the third quarter 2024 from 36 to 53 .

Explain Long Term Debt to Equity Ratio?
How much Long Term Debts LEVI´s has?
What are LEVI´s Equity?

LEVI Long Term Debt to Equity (Dec 01 2024)
(Aug 25 2024)
(May 26 2024)
(Feb 25 2024)
(Nov 26 2023)
Y / Y Equity Change -3.71 % -3.33 % -0.7 % 3.8 % 11.89 %
Y / Y Long Term Debt Change -1.53 % 2.03 % 1.25 % 2.18 % 4.76 %
Long Term Debt to Equity MRQ 0.5 0.54 0.51 0.51 0.49
LEVI's Total Ranking # 53 # 36 # 16 # 966 # 699
Seq. Equity Change 5.2 % -4.13 % -1.13 % -3.44 % 5.61 %
Seq. Long Term Debt Change -2.6 % 1.44 % 0 % -0.34 % 0.92 %

Long Term Debt to Equity forth quarter 2024 Company Ranking
Within: No.
Apparel, Footwear & Accessories Industry # 1
Consumer Discretionary Sector # 5
Overall Market # 53

Long Term Debt to Equity Statistics
High Average Low
8.65 2.26 0.49
(Nov 24 2013)   (Nov 26 2023)

Financial Statements
Levi Strauss And Co 's Equity $ 1,971 Millions Visit LEVI's Balance sheet
Levi Strauss And Co 's Long Term Debt $ 994 Millions Visit LEVI's Balance sheet
Source of LEVI's Sales Visit LEVI's Sales by Geography

Cumulative Levi Strauss And Co 's Long Term Debt to Equity

LEVI's Long Term Debt to Equity for the trailling 12 Months

LEVI Long Term Debt to Equity

(Dec 01 2024)
12 Months
(Aug 25 2024)
12 Months
(May 26 2024)
12 Months
(Feb 25 2024)
12 Months
(Nov 26 2023)
12 Months
Y / Y Equity TTM Growth -3.71 % -3.33 % -0.7 % 3.8 % 11.89 %
Y / Y Long Term Debt TTM Growth -1.53 % 2.03 % 1.25 % 2.18 % 4.76 %
Long Term Debt to Equity TTM 0.52 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51
Total Ranking TTM # 2 # 4 # 54 # 24 # 5
Seq. Equity TTM Growth 5.2 % -4.13 % -1.13 % -3.44 % 5.61 %
Seq. Long Term Debt TTM Growth -2.6 % 1.44 % 0 % -0.34 % 0.92 %

On the trailing twelve months basis Despite of the long-term debt repayement of -2.6% in the trailing twelve months ending in Q4 2024, Long Term Debt to Equity improved to 0.52, below Levi Strauss And Co 's average Long Term Debt to Equity.
Long Term Debt to Equity is the average cumulative value over the last four quarters.

Among companies in the Apparel, Footwear & Accessories industry LEVI recorded the lowest Long Term Debt to Equity. While Long Term Debt to Equity total ranking has improved so far to 2, from total ranking in previous 12 month period at 4.

Explain Long Term Debt to Equity Ratio?
How much Long Term Debts LEVI´s has?
What are LEVI´s Equity?

TTM Long Term Debt to Equity Company Ranking
Within: No.
Within the Apparel, Footwear & Accessories Industry # 0
Consumer Discretionary Sector # 0
Within the Market # 2

trailing twelve months Long Term Debt to Equity Statistics
High Average Low
1.71 0.86 0.51
(May 27 2018)   (Feb 25 2024)

Companies with similar Long Term Debt to Equity in the quarter ending Dec 01 2024, within Apparel, Footwear & Accessories Industry Long Term Debt to EquityDec 01 2024 MRQ Long Term DebtDec 01 2024 MRQ Equity
Capri Holdings Ltd  1.36 $ 1,454.000  Millions$ 1,071.000  Millions
Nike Inc   0.57 $ 7,973.000  Millions$ 14,037.000  Millions
Unifi Inc   0.52 $ 122.979  Millions$ 237.191  Millions
Levi Strauss and Co   0.50 $ 994.000  Millions$ 1,970.500  Millions
Cintas Corporation  0.47 $ 2,026.963  Millions$ 4,293.106  Millions
Under Armour Inc   0.30 $ 595.188  Millions$ 1,984.723  Millions
Ralph Lauren Corporation  0.29 $ 742.600  Millions$ 2,539.200  Millions

Date modified: 2025-01-30T06:28:12+00:00


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