
Costamare Inc   (NYSE: CMRE)
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Costamare Inc 's Total Debt to Equity

CMRE's quarterly Total Debt to Equity and Total Debt, Equity growth

Due to debt repayement of 0% Costamare Inc improved Total Debt to Equity in forth quarter 2023 to 0.96, below the company's average Total Debt to Equity.

Within Marine Transportation industry in the forth quarter 2023, 24 other companies have achieved lower Total Debt to Equity than Costamare Inc in the Q4 2023. While Total Debt to Equity total ranking has improved so far in the forth quarter 2023 to 2252, from total ranking in the third quarter 2023 at 2439 .

Explain Debt to Equity Ratio?
How much Total Debts CMRE´s has?
What are CMRE´s Equity?

CMRE Total Debt to Equity (Dec 31 2023)
(Dec 31 2022)
Y / Y Equity Change 13.07 % 13.07 % 13.07 % 13.07 % 24.98 %
Y / Y Total Debt Change -9.22 % -9.22 % -9.22 % -9.22 % 5.84 %
Total Debt to Equity MRQ 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 1.2
CMRE's Total Ranking # 2252 # 2439 # 2540 # 2591 # 2772
Seq. Equity Change 0 % 0 % 0 % 13.07 % 0 %
Seq. Total Debt Change 0 % 0 % 0 % -9.22 % 0 %

Total Debt to Equity forth quarter 2023 Company Ranking
Within: No.
Marine Transportation Industry # 25
Transportation Sector # 53
Overall Market # 2211

Total Debt to Equity Statistics
High Average Low
4.37 1.55 0.8
(Dec 31 2011)   (Jun 30 2018)

Financial Statements
Costamare Inc 's Equity $ 2,439 Millions Visit CMRE's Balance sheet
Costamare Inc 's Total Debt $ 2,346 Millions Visit CMRE's Balance sheet
Source of CMRE's Sales Visit CMRE's Sales by Geography

Cumulative Costamare Inc 's Total Debt to Equity

CMRE's Total Debt to Equity for the trailling 12 Months

CMRE Total Debt to Equity

(Dec 31 2023)
12 Months
12 Months
12 Months
12 Months
(Dec 31 2022)
12 Months
Y / Y Equity TTM Growth 13.07 % 13.07 % 13.07 % 13.07 % 24.98 %
Y / Y Total Debt TTM Growth -9.22 % -9.22 % -9.22 % -9.22 % 5.84 %
Total Debt to Equity TTM 0.96 1.02 1.07 1.13 1.2
Total Ranking TTM # 109 # 146 # 153 # 155 # 203
Seq. Equity TTM Growth 0 % 0 % 0 % 13.07 % 0 %
Seq. Total Debt TTM Growth 0 % 0 % 0 % -9.22 % 0 %

On the trailing twelve months basis Due to debt repayement of 0% Costamare Inc decreased Total Debt to Equity in the 12 months ending in Q4 2023 to 0.96, above the Costamare Inc 's average Total Debt to Equity.
Total Debt to Equity is the average cumulative value over the last four quarters.

Among companies in the Marine Transportation industry CMRE recorded the lowest Total Debt to Equity. While Total Debt to Equity total ranking has improved so far to 109, from total ranking in previous 12 month period at 146.

Explain Debt to Equity Ratio?
How much Total Debts CMRE´s has?
What are CMRE´s Equity?

TTM Total Debt to Equity Company Ranking
Within: No.
Within the Marine Transportation Industry # 0
Transportation Sector # 0
Within the Market # 109

trailing twelve months Total Debt to Equity Statistics
High Average Low
1.59 0.9 0.11
(Jun 30 2016)   (Dec 31 2020)

Companies with similar Total Debt to Equity in the quarter ending Dec 31 2023, within Marine Transportation Industry Total Debt to EquityDec 31 2023 MRQ Total DebtDec 31 2023 MRQ Equity
Top Ships Inc   1.72 $ 240.498  Millions$ 139.464  Millions
Atlas Corp   1.72 $ 7,596.100  Millions$ 4,415.900  Millions
Sfl Corporation Ltd   1.65 $ 1,713.828  Millions$ 1,039.397  Millions
Okeanis Eco Tankers Corp   1.51 $ 615.334  Millions$ 408.132  Millions
Frontline Plc  1.40 $ 3,194.464  Millions$ 2,277.346  Millions
Overseas Shipholding Group Inc   1.13 $ 400.711  Millions$ 354.053  Millions
C h Robinson Worldwide Inc   1.11 $ 1,580.487  Millions$ 1,418.697  Millions
Diana Shipping Inc   1.04 $ 510.643  Millions$ 489.021  Millions
Costamare Inc   0.96 $ 2,346.220  Millions$ 2,438.760  Millions
Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp   0.92 $ 210.790  Millions$ 228.445  Millions
Tsakos Energy Navigation Limited  0.83 $ 1,370.683  Millions$ 1,652.647  Millions
Unique Logistics International Inc   0.76 $ 9.233  Millions$ 12.171  Millions
Star Bulk Carriers Corp   0.73 $ 1,219.164  Millions$ 1,660.070  Millions
Global Ship Lease Inc   0.69 $ 812.428  Millions$ 1,184.388  Millions
Dorian Lpg Ltd   0.63 $ 618.120  Millions$ 984.058  Millions
Navigator Holdings Ltd   0.62 $ 762.302  Millions$ 1,233.074  Millions
Torm Plc  0.53 $ 889.912  Millions$ 1,665.983  Millions
Grindrod Shipping Holdings Ltd   0.50 $ 123.639  Millions$ 246.120  Millions
Euroseas Ltd   0.49 $ 130.001  Millions$ 266.575  Millions
Dht Holdings Inc   0.39 $ 398.425  Millions$ 1,031.667  Millions
Scorpio Tankers Inc   0.37 $ 939.188  Millions$ 2,553.706  Millions
Pangaea Logistics Solutions Ltd   0.27 $ 99.198  Millions$ 370.196  Millions
Globus Maritime Limited  0.26 $ 45.759  Millions$ 175.970  Millions
Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc   0.26 $ 153.690  Millions$ 600.218  Millions
Performance Shipping Inc   0.24 $ 54.886  Millions$ 233.184  Millions
Stealthgas Inc   0.22 $ 123.543  Millions$ 549.664  Millions
Hub Group Inc   0.21 $ 350.682  Millions$ 1,634.645  Millions
Genco Shipping and Trading Limited  0.21 $ 190.169  Millions$ 914.646  Millions

Date modified: 2024-04-03T15:31:31+00:00


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