Duke Energy Corporation  (DUK)
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   Industry Electric Utilities
   Sector  Utilities

Customers by DUK's Divisions

(Most recent Quarter in Millions of $)

Duke Energy Corporation DUK Franchised Electric 6,138.0 905.0 14.74 %
Ameren Corporation AEE Total Electric 1,705.0 0.0 -
American Electric Power Co Inc AEP Utility Ops. 3,600.0 388.0 10.78 %
The Aes Corporation AES Large utilities 1,357.0 68.0 5.01 %
Berkshire Hathaway Inc BRKA MidAmerican 3,179.0 232.0 7.3 %
Constellation Energy Corporation CEG Regulated Energy 638.7 11.7 1.83 %
Cms energy Corporation CMS Electric utility 1,233.0 166.0 13.46 %
Centerpoint Energy Inc CNP Electric Transmission & Distribution 827.0 244.0 29.5 %
Dominion Energy Inc D Energy 335.0 152.0 45.37 %
Dte Energy Co DTE Nonutility 1,335.0 51.0 3.82 %
Consolidated Edison Inc ED Electric 2,041.0 438.0 21.46 %
Edison International EIX Electric utility 3,763.0 487.0 12.94 %
Empire Petroleum Corporation EP Marketing & Trading 251.0 -16.0 -
Entergy Corporation ETR Total 2,953.6 51.7 1.75 %
Entergy Corporation ETR Electric Utility 2,246.1 0.0 -
Exelon Corporation EXC ComEd 1,222.0 126.0 10.31 %
Exelon Corporation EXC PECO 693.0 81.0 11.69 %
Firstenergy Corp FE Regulated Serv. 2,624.0 234.0 8.92 %
Firstenergy Corp FE Competitive Serv. 248.0 70.0 28.23 %
Mdu Resources Group Inc MDU Total 1,047.5 60.4 5.77 %
Mercer International Inc MERC Total 470.8 -26.0 -
Nisource Inc NI Electric 431.5 383.0 88.76 %
Nisource Inc NI Other 7.8 0.0 -
Nrg Energy Inc NRG Reliant Energy 2,329.0 88.0 3.78 %
Oneok Inc OKE Energy Services 83.0 37.7 45.43 %
Pg and e Corp PCG Total 5,986.0 524.0 8.75 %
Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated PEG PSE&G 1,096.0 206.0 18.8 %
Pinnacle West Capital Corporation PNW Regulated electricity 1,199.1 835.3 69.66 %
Ppl Corporation PPL International 552.0 249.0 45.11 %
Sempra SRE San Diego Gas & Electric 1,230.0 170.0 13.82 %
Wec Energy Group Inc WEC Total Utility 1,442.3 256.6 17.79 %
Williams companies inc WMB Power 530.0 0.0 -
Xcel Energy Inc XEL Electric Utility 2,667.5 438.0 16.42 %
Xcel Energy Inc XEL Gas utility 216.0 -4.2 -
APROX. MARKET   SUBTOTAL 49,540 6,002 12.12 %
Duke Energy Corporation DUK International Energy 66.0 -3.0 -
Ameren Corporation AEE Total Electric 1,705.0 0.0 -
American Electric Power Co Inc AEP Utility Ops. 3,600.0 388.0 10.78 %
The Aes Corporation AES Large utilities 1,357.0 68.0 5.01 %
Berkshire Hathaway Inc BRKA MidAmerican 3,179.0 232.0 7.3 %
Constellation Energy Corporation CEG Regulated Energy 638.7 11.7 1.83 %
Cms energy Corporation CMS Electric utility 1,233.0 166.0 13.46 %
Centerpoint Energy Inc CNP Electric Transmission & Distribution 827.0 244.0 29.5 %
Dominion Energy Inc D Energy 335.0 152.0 45.37 %
Dte Energy Co DTE Nonutility 1,335.0 51.0 3.82 %
Consolidated Edison Inc ED Electric 2,041.0 438.0 21.46 %
Edison International EIX Electric utility 3,763.0 487.0 12.94 %
Empire Petroleum Corporation EP Marketing & Trading 251.0 -16.0 -
Entergy Corporation ETR Total 2,953.6 51.7 1.75 %
Entergy Corporation ETR Electric Utility 2,246.1 0.0 -
Exelon Corporation EXC ComEd 1,222.0 126.0 10.31 %
Exelon Corporation EXC PECO 693.0 81.0 11.69 %
Firstenergy Corp FE Regulated Serv. 2,624.0 234.0 8.92 %
Firstenergy Corp FE Competitive Serv. 248.0 70.0 28.23 %
Mdu Resources Group Inc MDU Total 1,047.5 60.4 5.77 %
Mercer International Inc MERC Total 470.8 -26.0 -
Nisource Inc NI Electric 431.5 383.0 88.76 %
Nisource Inc NI Other 7.8 0.0 -
Nrg Energy Inc NRG Reliant Energy 2,329.0 88.0 3.78 %
Oneok Inc OKE Energy Services 83.0 37.7 45.43 %
Pg and e Corp PCG Total 5,986.0 524.0 8.75 %
Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated PEG PSE&G 1,096.0 206.0 18.8 %
Pinnacle West Capital Corporation PNW Regulated electricity 1,199.1 835.3 69.66 %
Ppl Corporation PPL International 552.0 249.0 45.11 %
Sempra SRE San Diego Gas & Electric 1,230.0 170.0 13.82 %
Wec Energy Group Inc WEC Total Utility 1,442.3 256.6 17.79 %
Williams companies inc WMB Power 530.0 0.0 -
Xcel Energy Inc XEL Electric Utility 2,667.5 438.0 16.42 %
Xcel Energy Inc XEL Gas utility 216.0 -4.2 -
APROX. MARKET   SUBTOTAL 49,540 6,002 12.12 %


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